Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 125.04

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 125.04 - Eligible costs
(1) PRELIMINARY PLANNING. Costs of studies, investigations, surveys, planning and other steps necessary to determine the economic and engineering feasibility of a proposed project are eligible.
(2) ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURAL, INSPECTION AND OTHER FEES FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES. Costs of services include preparation of preliminary and final engineering reports, design of facilities, preparation of plans and specifications, inspection and supervision of construction and any other services necessary for the construction of the project. Where technical services are provided by regularly employed persons of a municipality, actual documented applicable costs are allowable, provided they do not exceed costs determined by the department to be reasonable if the work were performed by a consulting engineer on a fee basis. Technical service costs for study of sewer infiltration-inflow problems performed in accordance with requirements of the federal grant program ( P.L. 92-500) are allowable.
(3) LEGAL AND FISCAL COSTS. Reasonable fees and expenses based on actual records for legal services rendered in connection with the construction of the project are eligible provided that they are documented. Reasonable costs incurred in the development of the information necessary for the bond issue, including preparation of the prospectus, bond advertising, printing of bonds and other similar costs are eligible. When bond counsel and attorney fees cover all the steps from the drafting of the bond resolution though the final sale of the bonds, no additional financing costs are eligible.
(4) CONSTRUCTION COSTS. Construction costs incurred under competitively bid contracts or actual cost of labor and competitively purchased equipment and materials incurred under force account procedures consistent with the provisions of chs. 59, 60, 61, 62 and 66, Stats., are eligible.
(5) REPAIR OF ROADS, STREETS, SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS, ETC. These costs shall be limited to the costs of repair or replacing in kind the areas damaged (by the construction of eligible facilities) to the same condition, quality, type and dimensions as that which existed before the construction of the eligible facilities. The eligible cost shall be the most cost effective repair or replacement in terms of the initial capital cost. Higher incremental replacement costs to reduce future maintenance or operation costs are not eligible. The width of the eligible repaired area shall not be greater than that of the top width of the sewer trench unless it can be demonstrated that it is less expensive to remove and replace the entire width of road pavement. Eligible costs of replacement of badly deteriorated road pavements shall be limited to that of the least expensive all weather road pavement regardless of the type of original material. Where the replaced item is better than the original item, the eligible cost shall be limited to a pro rata share of the replacement cost.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 125.04

Cr. Register, July, 1976, No. 247, eff. 8-1-76.