Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 122.05

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 122.05 - Distribution of grant assistance
(1) GENERAL. Grant funds shall be allocated to eligible projects in the ranking order sequence established as a result of the department's evaluation of project applications. If grant funding available for a particular project is less than 40% of the eligible project costs proposed in the application for the project, the department may offer a reduced grant share or consider changes in the project as proposed by the applicant.
(2) GRANT APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS. Eligible municipalities shall submit applications for grant funding in accordance with the instructions supplied by the department. Applications shall be updated as necessary to keep required information current and each applicant shall submit, in a timely manner, any additional information requested by the department. The required information shall be submitted by the due date established by the department. Failure to provide the necessary information or to meet the due date may result in the application being rejected from funding consideration. Each application shall include:
(a) A certified copy of the resolution by the applicant's governing body authorizing the filing of the application and designating a specific municipal official to act as the authorized representative.
(b) A description of the project to include:
1. A discussion of the nature and extent of the current nitrate contaminant levels within the municipal water system, any expected changes in nitrate levels in the future and the expected impact on the municipal water system and its users.
2. A description of the nitrate removal methodology proposed, discussion of alternatives considered and the reasons for selecting the proposed methodology. This description shall include a discussion of the use of the proposed methodology at other locations, including experimental tests, and the success of the methodology in nitrate removal.
3. A description of the chemical parameters/characteristics of the raw water supply and their impacts on the nitrate removal methodology's effectiveness and costs.
(c) An itemized estimate of the total project costs broken down between planning, architectural and engineering design, construction or installation, and evaluation of the nitrate removal methodology. If all or part of the project work is to be contracted, bid tabulations may be submitted with the application, if available.
(d) Documentation of department approval of plans and specifications for the project or the date on which approvable plans and specifications for the project were, or will be, submitted to the department. Applicants who do not have project plan and specification approval prior to grant application submission shall submit approvable plans and specifications no later than 30 days after the municipality is notified of funding.
(e) A description of the evaluation and water quality analysis to be done before, during and after treatment to determine the effectiveness of the removal methodology.
(f) A list of places with previous experience with the proposed removal methodology.
(g) A copy of contract documents and provisions for any construction, installation, engineering or other technical services expected to be procured for the project.
(h) A description of the experience and other factors which reflect the capabilities of the municipality and its contractors to successfully complete the proposed pilot project.
(i) A commitment to submit a final report on the project within 60 days of the specified project completion date, including a description of the project, along with findings, conclusions and recommendations.
(a) Each grant application received on or before the established due date will receive a screening assessment to determine whether the content requirements in sub. (2) have been met. If an application does not contain all of the required information, the municipality shall be notified in writing and will have 15 days, from receipt of notice, to provide the required information to the department. Applicants which do not provide the information in a timely manner may have their application denied.
(b) All applications determined by the department to be acceptable for further consideration shall be formally evaluated by the department to determine a ranking order for grant funding. To perform the funding evaluation, the department may utilize department staff or persons not employed by the department, who are knowledgeable of public water systems and nitrate removal technology. The evaluation shall consider the following factors in determining the rank order for each application:
1. The project may be assigned from 0 to 10 points based on an overall assessment of the project, taking into consideration:
a. The technical design;
b. The extent to which the proposed design meets the intent of the pilot project program;
c. The applicability of the proposed nitrate removal methodology to other public water systems;
d. The capability of the municipality and its staff, contractors or consultants to successfully complete the project;
e. The use and success of the methodology by other water systems; and
f. The ease of operation and maintenance of the proposed methodology.
2. The extent to which untreated water from one or more of the wells of the municipal water system has a nitrate level of 10.0 mg/l or greater. The project may be assigned from 0 to 10 points based on this factor.
3. The nitrate level in one or more of the wells of the municipal water system exceeds 7.5 mg/l but is less than 10.0 and the applicant provides other evidence which documents a substantial risk of the nitrate levels in the municipal water system increasing to or exceeding the maximum contaminant level. The project may be assigned from 0 to 5 points based on this factor.
4. The nitrate level in one or more of the wells of the municipal water system is less than 7.5 mg/L and there is clear evidence of a substantial risk of future nitrate levels reaching or exceeding the maximum contaminant level. The project may be assigned from 0 to 5 points based on this factor.
5. The total eligible costs of the proposed project compared to the total eligible costs of the other proposed projects that the department determines to be comparable. The determination of comparability shall be based on the proposed nitrate removal methodology and the evaluation results for the other factors contained in this section. The project may be assigned from 0 to 5 points based on this factor.
(a) Upon completion of its evaluation of all acceptable project applications, the department shall prepare a list of the projects ranked in funding priority order. The list shall show the rank for each project, the amount of grant funding requested, and the cumulative total grant funding requested and remaining after each project. This list shall be distributed to all project applicants and other interested parties.
(b) The department shall determine which projects, in accordance with the priority ranking, can be funded with the available funds and notify each applicant of the funding allocation for its project. If the project has not been bid, the applicant shall be advised to do so and submit the bid results and tentative contract awards to the department within 60 days. Applicants who do not submit this information within the 60 day period may be removed from the funding list and not be given further funding consideration.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 122.05

Cr. Register, October, 1990, No. 418, eff. 11-1-90.