SEG 1: From the outlet of Totogatic Lake located in Bayfield County to the upstream end of Nelson Lake at the southern edge of the walleye spawning refuge located in Sawyer County.
SEG 2: From a point 500 feet below the dam in the Totogatic Wildlife Area located in Washburn County to the upstream end of the Colton Flowage located in Washburn County.
SEG 3: From a point 500 feet below the dam that forms the Colton Flowage located in Washburn County to the point where the river crosses the Washburn-Douglas County line immediately above the upstream end of the Minong Flowage.
SEG 4: From the bridge on CTH "I" that crosses the river located in Washburn County to the confluence of the river with the Namekagon River located in Burnett County.
Note: Section NR 302.02 (1) contains a detailed description of the extent of the Pike, Pine, and Popple river systems designated as Wild Rivers.
1d. | Ashland | Bad River | SEG 1: Origin to Outfall in Mellen at NW¼SW¼S6 T44N R2W |
Brunsweiler River | SEG 1: Origin to Inlet of Spider Lake SEG 2: Outlet of Moquah Lake to origin of Wild River designation under par. (b) 4. at T44N R4W S22 SW ¼ of SW ¼ | ||
SEG 3: All portions included as Wild River under par. (b) 4. | |||
SEG 4: End of Wild River segment under par. (b) 4. at the boundary of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest (T45N R4W S22 ¼ NW) to the Bad River Indian Reservation Boundary | |||
1h. | Ashland & Bayfield | Marengo River | SEG 1: Origin to Inlet of Marengo Lake |
SEG 2: Outlet of Marengo Lake to Bad River Indian Reservation Boundary | |||
1p. | Ashland & Sawyer | E. Fork Chippewa River | SEG1: T42N R1E S17/18 Line to Ashland County Highway XNY in Glidden SEG 6: Outlet of Barker Lake to Confluence with Chippewa Flowage SEG 3: Outlet of Pelican Lake to Inlet of Blaisdell Lake SEG 4: Outlet of Blaisdell Lake to Inlet of Hunter Lake SEG 5: Outlet of Hunter Lake to Inlet of Barker Lake |
1t. | Barron | Engle Creek Hickey Creek | Class I &II Portions Class I &II Portions |
Red Cedar River | SEG 1: Outlet of Red Cedar Lake to Inlet of Rice Lake | ||
Rock Creek | SEG 2: All within Barron County | ||
Upper Pine Creek | Above Dallas Flowage | ||
2. | Bayfield | Bark River | All-Class I Portions including the waters of Lake Superior within a ¼ mile semicircular arc centered at the middle of the river mouth |
Big Brook | All | ||
Cranberry River & Tribs. | All-Class I Portion including the waters of Lake Superior within a ¼ mile semi-circular arc centered at the middle of the river mouth. | ||
East Fork Iron River & Tribs. | All-Class I Portion | ||
East Fork White River | All-Class I Portion | ||
Eighteen Mile Cr. & Tribs. | All-Class I Portion | ||
Fish Creek (Main) | All including the waters of Lake Superior within a ¼ mile semi-circular arc centered at the middle of the river mouth. | ||
Long Lake Branch & Tribs. | From below Drummond Lake to White River All-Class I Portions | ||
No. Fork Fish Creek & Tribs. | All-Class I &II Portions | ||
Onion River & Tribs. | All-Class I Portions including the waters of Lake Superior within a ¼ mile semi-circular arc centered at the middle of the river mouth. | ||
Pikes Creek & Tribs. | All-Class I Portion including the waters of Lake Superior within a ¼ mile semi-circular arc centered at the middle of the river mouth. | ||
Sioux River & Tribs. | All-Class I &II Portions including the waters of Lake Superior within a 1/4 mile semi-circular arc centered at the middle of the river mouth. | ||
So. Fork White River | All-Class I Portion | ||
Thompson Creek | All-Class I Portion | ||
Twenty Mile Creek | All-Class I &II Portions | ||
White River | All-Class I Portion | ||
Whittlesey Creek & Tribs. | All-Class I Portions including the waters of Lake Superior within a ¼ mile semi-circular arc centered at the middle of the river mouth. | ||
2d. | Bayfield & Ashland | Beartrap Creek | SEG 1: Origin to Bad River Indian Reservation Boundary |
2h. | Bayfield, Ashland & Sawyer | West Fork Chippewa River | SEG 1: Origin (Outlet of Chippewa Lake) to Inlet of Day Lake SEG 2: Outlet of Day Lake to Inlet of Upper Clam Lake SEG 3: Outlet of Upper Clam Lake to Inlet of Lower Clam Lake SEG 4: Outlet of Lower Clam Lake to Inlet of Cattail Lake SEG 5: Outlet of Cattail Lake to Inlet of Meadow Lake SEG 6: Outlet of Meadow Lake to Inlet of Partridge Crop Lake SEG 7: Outlet of Partridge Crop Lake to Inlet of Moose Lake SEG 8: Outlet of Moose Lake to Sawyer County Highway XBY |
2p. | Bayfield, Sawyer, Washburn, Douglas & Burnett | Totagatic River | SEG 1: All portions included as Wild River under SEG 1 of par. (b) 5. SEG 2: All portions included as Wild River under SEG 2 of par. (b) 5., and the 500 feet immediately downstream of the dam in the Totagatic Wildlife Area in Washburn County SEG 3: All portions included as Wild River under SEG 3 of par. (b) 5., the 500 feet immediately downstream of the dam that forms the Colton Flowage, and from the end of the Wild River designation at the Dou-glas/Washburn County line to the inlet of Minong Flowage SEG 4: All portions included as Wild River under SEG 4 of par. (b) 5. |
3. | Burnett | North Fork Clam River | County Highway XHY to Confluence with Clam River |
Tributaries to the N. & S. Forks of the Clam River | All-Class I &II Portions | ||
4. | Dane | Mt. Vernon Creek | All-Class I Portion |
5. | Door | Mink River | All |
5m. | Douglas | Amnicon River | SEG 1: Origin (Outlet of Amnicon Lake) to Inlet of Lyman Lake SEG 2: Outlet of Lyman Lake to mouth at Lake Superior, including the waters of Lake Superior within a ¼ mile semi-circular arc centered at the middle of the river mouth. |
Moose River | All | ||
Spruce River | All | ||
St. Croix River | SEG 1: Outlet of Upper St. Croix Lake to Inlet of St. Croix Flowage | ||
6. | Forest | Allen Creek | All |
Brule Creek | All | ||
Elvoy Creek | All | ||
Jones Creek | Class I &II portions | ||
Otter Creek (T37N R14E S23, North Otter Creek) | All | ||
6m. | Forest & Langlade | Swamp Creek | SEG 1: Outlet of Lake Lucerne to Mole Lake Indian Reservation Boundary SEG 3: All below Mole Lake Indian Reservation Boundary to Confluence of Wolf River |
7. 7m. | Grant Iron & Ashland | Little Green River Tyler Forks | All SEG 1: Origin in Iron County to Bad River Indian Reservation Eastern Boundary in Ashland County SEG 3: From Bad River Indian Reservation Southern Boundary to Confluence with Bad River |
Potato River | SEG 1: Origin to Bad River Indian Reservation Boundary | ||
8. | Iron, Ashland & Price | Flambeau River | SEG 1: Turtle-Flambeau Flowage (Outlet @ Turtle-Flambeau Dam) to Inlet of Upper Park Falls Flowage |
9. | LaCrosse | Berge Coulee Creek | All |
10. | Langlade | Elton Creek | Class I Portion |
Evergreen Creek | All | ||
Mayking Creek | All | ||
Michelson Creek | All | ||
Mid Branch Embarrass River | Class I Portion | ||
10m. | Lincoln | New Wood River | Origin (T33N R4E S14) to Confluence with Wisconsin River |
11. | Marathon | Falstad Creek | Class II Portion |
So. Branch Embarrass River | Class I Portion | ||
12. | Marinette | No. Branch Beaver Creek | Entire River &tributaries |
13. | Oneida | Noisy Creek | Class II Portion |
Squirrel River | Outlet of Squirrel Lake to Confluence with Tomahawk River | ||
Tomahawk River | SEG 2: Outlet of Willow Flowage Dam to Inlet of Lake Nokomis | ||
14. | Pierce | Kinnickinnic River | From Powell Dam to St. Croix River |
15. | Polk | Sand Creek & Tribs | All-Class I &II Portions |
15e. | Polk & Burnett | Clam River | SEG 1: Outlet of Clam Falls Flowage to Inlet of Clam Lake SEG 2: Outlet of Lower Clam Lake to Section Line @ T39N R16W S21/22 |
15m. | Price | Elk River | SEG 1: Headwaters to Inlet of Musser Lake |
Price & Lincoln | Spirit River | Outlet of Spirit Lake to Inlet of Spirit River Flowage | |
16. | Price,Rusk & Sawyer | So. Fork Flambeau River | All-Round L. Dam downstream to Jxn with No. Fork Flambeau R. |
17. | Richland | Elk Creek | All |
18. | Rusk | Devils Creek | All-Class I &II Portions |
Soft Maple Creek | SEG 1: Origin to Rusk County Highway XFY | ||
So. Fork Main Creek | Class I &II Portions (T35N R3W S28 downstream to T34N R4W S11) | ||
Swift Creek | Outlet of Island Lake to Inlet of Fireside Lake | ||
19. | Sauk | Otter Creek | From headwaters to southern section line of T11N R6E S33 |
Parfrey's Glen | From headwaters to CTH DL | ||
20. | Sawyer | Benson Creek | All-Class I Portion |
Couderay River | SEG 1: Origin at Outlet of Billy Boy Flowage to Inlet of Grimh Flowage (Including Waters within Lac Courte Oreilles Indian Reservation) | ||
Eddy Creek | All-Class I Portion | ||
Grindstone Creek | All-Class I Portion | ||
Knuteson Creek | SEG 1: Outlet of Wise Lake to Inlet of Knuteson Lake SEG 2: Outlet of Knuteson Lake to Inlet of Lake Chetek | ||
Little Weirgor | All-Class I &II | ||
Creek &Tribs | Portions | ||
McDermott Brook | All | ||
Mosquito Brook Teal River | All-Class I Portion Outlet of Teal Lake to Confluence with West Fork Chippewa River | ||
20m. | Sawyer & Rusk | Thornapple River | SEG 1: Origin to Rusk County Highway way "J" |
Chippewa River | SEG 1: Dam at Chippewa Flowage to Inlet of Radisson Flowage (T38N R7W S13) | ||
21. | Shawano | Middle Br. Embarrass R. | Origin to but not including Homme Pond |
No. Br. Embarrass R. | Origin to CTH J | ||
So. Br. Embarrass R. | Origin to but not including Tigerton Pond | ||
21g. | Taylor & Chippewa | Yellow River | SEG 1: Confluence with South Fork Yellow River to Inlet of Chequamegon Waters Flowage SEG 2: Outlet of Chequamegon Waters Flowage (at Miller Dam) to State Highway 64/73 |
21r. | Taylor & Price | Silver Creek | SEG 1: Origin to Westboro Sanitary District Outfall |
22. | Vilas | Allequash Creek & Springs | Class I &II Portions |
Brule Creek | All | ||
East Br. Blackjack Cr. | All | ||
Elvoy Creek & Springs | Class I &II Portions | ||
Manitowish River | SEG 1: Adjacent to Dam Road Downstream to Inlet of Boulder Lake SEG 2: Outlet of Boulder Lake to Inlet of Island Lake | ||
Mishonagon Creek | Class I &II Portions | ||
Siphon Creek | All | ||
Spring Meadow Creek | Class I Portion | ||
Tamarack Creek | All | ||
Trout River | SEG 1: Outlet of Trout Lake to Lac Du Flambeau Indian Reservation Eastern Boundary | ||
22m. | Vilas & Oneida | Wisconsin River | SEG 1: Origin (Outlet of Lac Vieux Desert) to Inlet of Watersmeet Lake |
23. | Washburn | Beaver Brook | All-Class I Portion |
Sawyer Creek | All-Class I &II Portions | ||
So. Fork Bean Brook | All-Class I Portion | ||
Stuntz Brook | Origin to Confluence with Namek-agon River | ||
23m. | Washburn & Barron | Bear Creek | SEG 1: Outlet of Kekegama Lake to Inlet of Bear Lake SEG 2: Outlet of Bear Lake to Inlet at Stump Lake |
1. | Ashland | Bad River Slough Kakagon Slough |
Lake Superior within ¼ mile of the shoreline of the islands within the Apostle Island National Lakeshore | ||
2. | Barron | Bear Lake (T36N R12W S2; also in Washburn County) Red Cedar Lake (also in Washburn County) Sand Lake Silver Lake |
3. | Bayfield | Bark Bay Slough Diamond Lake Lake Owen Lake Superior within ¼ mile of the shoreline of the islands within the Apostle Island National Lakeshore Lower Eau Claire Lake (also in Douglas County) Middle Eau Claire Lake Namekagon Lake Pike Chain of Lakes (Pike, Millicent, Buskey Bay, Hart, Twin Bear, Eagle, Flynn and Hildur Lakes) Star Lake Upper Eau Claire Lake |
4. | Burnett | Big Sand Lake McKenzie Lake (also in Washburn County) Middle McKenzie Lake (also in Washburn County) Sand Lake (T40N R15W S25) |
4m. | Chippewa | Chain Lake (also in Rusk County) |
5. | Columbia | Crystal Lake (T12N R10E S1) |
6. | Douglas | Bardon Lake (Whitefish Lake) Bond Lake Lake Nebagamon Lower Eau Claire Lake (also in Bayfield County) St. Croix (Gordon) Flowage Upper St. Croix Lake |
7. | Florence | Edith Lake Keyes Lake Lost Lake Perch Lake Riley Lake, South |
8. | Forest | Butternut Lake Franklin Lake Lucerne Lake (Stone) Metonga Lake |
9. | Iron | Catherine Lake Cedar Lake Gile Flowage Hewitt Lake Owl Lake Trude Lake Turtle-Flambeau Flowage |
9m. | Marinette | Caldron Falls Flowage (also in Oconto County) |
10. | Oconto | Archibald Lake Bass Lake (T32N R15E S9) Bear Paw Lake Boot Lake Caldron Falls Flowage (also in Marinette County) Chain Lake |
11. | Oneida | Big Carr Lake Clear Lake (T39N R7E S16) Little Tomahawk Lake Tomahawk Lake Two Sisters Lake Willow Flowage |
12. | Polk | Pipe Lake |
13. | Price | Cochran Lake Tucker Lake |
14. | Rusk | Bass Lake (T34N R9W S16) Fish Lake |
Island Chains of Lakes (Chain {also in Chippewa County}, Clear, McCann, and Island Lakes) Three Lakes No. 1 (T36N R9W S25) | ||
15. | St. Croix | Bass Lake (T30N R19W S23) Perch Lake |
16. | Sauk | Devils Lake |
17. | Sawyer | Barker Lake Blaisdell Lake Evergreen Lake Grindstone Lake Lac Court Oreilles Lake Chippewa (Chippewa Flowage) Nelson Lake Osgood Lake Perch Lake (T42N R6W S25) Round Lake (Big Round) Sand Lake Smith Lake Spider Lake Teal Lake Whitefish Lake |
18. | Vilas | Black Oak Lake Crab Lake Crystal Lake (T41N R7E S27) Lac Vieux Desert North Twin Lake Pallette Lake (Clear) Partridge Lake Plum Lake South Twin Lake Star Lake Stormy Lake Trout Lake White Sand Lake (T42N R7E S26) |
19. | Walworth | Lulu Lake |
20. | Washburn | Bass Lake (T40N R10W S17) Bear Lake (T36N R12W S2; also in Barron County) Long Lake McKenzie Lake (also in Burnett County) Middle McKenzie Lake (also in Burnett County) Red Cedar Lake (also in Barron County) Shell Lake Stone Lake (T39N R10W S24) |
21. | Waukesha | Spring Lake (T5N R18E S9) |
22. | Waupaca | Graham Lake (Nelson) North Lake |
23. | Waushara | Gilbert Lake Lucerne Lake (Egans) Norwegian Lake Pine Lake (Springwater) |
Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 102.10