Wis. Admin. Code Department of Military Affairs [Emergency Management] WEM 8.06
To facilitate radio interoperability during emergency response operations, designated MABAS VHF radio frequencies will be utilized by MABAS member units for on scene communications with MABAS mutual aid partners. This does not preclude fire, rescue and emergency medical services from utilizing other radio frequencies or radio bands for their own internal communications.
Wis. Admin. Code Department of Military Affairs [Emergency Management] WEM 8.06
Designated MABAS VHF radio frequencies are available on request without charge from the Fire Services Coordinator, Wisconsin Emergency Management, 2400 Wright Street, Room 213, P.O. Box 7865, Madison, WI 53708-7865, telephone (608) 220-6049. MABAS policies and general operating procedures may also be accessed from the Wisconsin Emergency Management webpage at: http://emergencymanagement.wi.gov/.