Chapter DHS 107 - Covered Services
- Section DHS 107.01 - General statement of coverage
- Section DHS 107.02 - General limitations
- Section DHS 107.03 - Services not covered
- Section DHS 107.035 - Definition and identification of experimental services
- Section DHS 107.04 - Coverage of out-of-state services
- Section DHS 107.05 - Coverage of emergency services provided by a person not a certified provider
- Section DHS 107.06 - Physician services
- Section DHS 107.065 - Anesthesiology services
- Section DHS 107.07 - Dental services
- Section DHS 107.08 - Hospital services
- Section DHS 107.09 - Nursing home services
- Section DHS 107.10 - Drugs
- Section DHS 107.11 - Home health services
- Section DHS 107.112 - Personal care services
- Section DHS 107.113 - Respiratory care for ventilator-assisted recipients
- Section DHS 107.12 - Private duty nursing services
- Section DHS 107.121 - Nurse-midwife services
- Section DHS 107.122 - Independent nurse practitioner services
- Section DHS 107.13 - Mental health services
- Section DHS 107.14 - Podiatry services
- Section DHS 107.15 - Chiropractic services
- Section DHS 107.16 - Physical therapy
- Section DHS 107.17 - Occupational therapy
- Section DHS 107.18 - Speech and language pathology services
- Section DHS 107.19 - Audiology services
- Section DHS 107.20 - Vision care services
- Section DHS 107.21 - Family planning services
- Section DHS 107.22 - Early and periodic screening, diagnosis and treatment (EPSDT) services
- Section DHS 107.23 - Transportation
- Section DHS 107.24 - Durable medical equipment and medical supplies
- Section DHS 107.25 - Diagnostic testing services
- Section DHS 107.26 - Dialysis services
- Section DHS 107.27 - Blood
- Section DHS 107.28 - Health maintenance organization and prepaid health plan services
- Section DHS 107.29 - Rural health clinic services
- Section DHS 107.30 - Ambulatory surgical center services
- Section DHS 107.31 - Hospice care services
- Section DHS 107.32 - Case management services
- Section DHS 107.33 - Ambulatory prenatal services for recipients with presumptive eligibility
- Section DHS 107.34 - Prenatal care coordination services
- Section DHS 107.36 - School-based services