Chapter DHS 190 - Institution sanitation (Repealed)
- Section DHS 190.01 - Purpose and applicability (Repealed)
- Section DHS 190.02 - Definitions (Repealed)
- Section DHS 190.03 - Location of institution (Repealed)
- Section DHS 190.04 - Construction (Repealed)
- Section DHS 190.05 - Water supply (Repealed)
- Section DHS 190.06 - Fire safety (Repealed)
- Section DHS 190.07 - Plan for emergencies (Repealed)
- Section DHS 190.08 - Physical environment (Repealed)
- Section DHS 190.09 - Food service (Repealed)
- Section DHS 190.10 - Dishwashing (Repealed)