Section DOC 327.20 - Escapes(1) PLAN. The superintendent shall have a written plan to be implemented if an escape occurs from a CRC placement. The plan shall be developed by the superintendent who shall review and update it annually. A copy of the plan shall be filed with the administrator. The plan shall provide for the following:(a) If CRC staff believe that an inmate may have escaped because the inmate has left an assigned area, the inmate does not return to the CRC residence on schedule, the electronic monitoring equipment indicates someone has tampered with it or because CRC staff have received other relevant information, CRC staff shall attempt to contact the inmate.(b) If CRC staff believe the inmate has escaped or if an inmate is 4 or more hours late returning to the CRC residence without authorization from appropriate CRC staff, CRC staff shall place an apprehension request on the inmate;(c) After an apprehension request has been placed on an inmate, the escape shall be reported orally and in writing to the superintendent and the administrator;(d) The escape shall be reported to law enforcement officials; and(e) The administrator and law enforcement agencies shall be notified by CRC staff when an inmate who has escaped is apprehended.(2) REPORTS OF ESCAPES. Reports of escapes required to be made under sub. (1) shall include, if known: (a) The method of escape;(b) Who was involved in the escape;(c) A description of the escapee, including clothing worn;(d) Action taken by the institution;(e) A brief evaluation of the factors which may have contributed to the escape; and(f) The identification of persons who may have information about the escape.(3) ORDER TO DUTY. In the event of an escape, the superintendent may order any off-duty staff member to work.(4) AUTHORITY OF HOSTAGE. If a correctional staff member, including the superintendent, is taken as a hostage in an escape or escape attempt, that hostage has no authority to order any action or inaction by correctional staff. Any orders issued by a hostage shall be disregarded by the correctional staff.(5) PURSUIT. The pursuit of escapees shall be done under the supervision of local law enforcement authorities. Until local law enforcement authorities are able to supervise a pursuit, it shall be supervised by the superintendent. Correctional staff and law enforcement officers may take a CRC inmate into custody from his or her CRC residence.(6) USE OF PRIVATE CARS IN PURSUIT. The superintendent may authorize CRC staff members to use their own cars to pursue escapees if state-owned cars are unavailable.Wis. Admin. Code Department of Corrections DOC 327.20
Cr. Register, September, 1990, No. 417, eff. 10-1-90.