Chapter DCF 56 - Foster Home Care For Children
- Section DCF 56.01 - Authority and purpose
- Section DCF 56.02 - Applicability
- Section DCF 56.03 - Definitions
- Section DCF 56.04 - Applying for a license
- Section DCF 56.05 - Licensee qualifications
- Section DCF 56.055 - Background checks
- Section DCF 56.06 - Serious incident reporting
- Section DCF 56.07 - Physical environment
- Section DCF 56.08 - Safety
- Section DCF 56.09 - Care of foster children
- Section DCF 56.10 - Hearing
- Section DCF 56.12 - Foster parent handbook
- Section DCF 56.13 - Foster home level of care certification
- Section DCF 56.14 - Foster parent training
- Section DCF 56.15 - Supervising agency
- Section DCF 56.16 - Licensing agency responsibilities
- Section DCF 56.17 - Child's treatment team for Levels 3 to 5
- Section DCF 56.18 - Agency contact with foster parent
- Section DCF 56.19 - Agency contact with foster child
- Section DCF 56.20 - Evaluation of Level 3 to 5
- Section DCF 56.21 - Respite care for foster parents
- Section DCF 56.22 - Assessment of needs and strengths
- Section DCF 56.23 - Supplemental payments, exceptional payments, initial clothing allowance, and retainer fee
- Appendix A - Placement Complexity Chart Options