Section ER 18.14 - Leave of absence without pay(1) ELIGIBILITY. Permanent classified employees may be granted a leave of absence without pay subject to the provisions of sub. (2).(2) WHEN GRANTED. (a)Formal leave. Any permanent classified employee, may request a leave of absence without pay for a period not to exceed one year. Such leave may be granted by the appointing authority when it will not result in prejudice to the interests of the state as an employer beyond any benefits to be realized upon the employee's return to the service. A leave of absence may be extended on a year to year basis for an additional 2 years with the approval of the appointing authority. No formal leave of absence shall exceed 3 years except as provided under par. (f).(b)Leave to serve in unclassified position. See s. 230.33, Stats.(c)Summer leave. Employees whose services are not required at institutions or schools during a summer recess shall be considered to be on leave of absence without pay.(d)Maternity leave. Upon request of the employee, maternity leaves of absence shall be granted for a period of time requested by the employee, not to exceed 6 consecutive months. Upon request of the employee, the appointing authority may extend or renew a maternity leave of absence for additional periods of time, not to exceed a total of 6 months. Part or all of the original leave, extension or renewal may be covered by sick leave pursuant to s. ER 18.03(4) (a), leave of absence without pay, earned annual leave, sabbatical leave, holiday leave, compensatory time off at the employee's discretion, or anticipated annual leave subject to s. ER 18.02(6).(e)Paternity, adoption and pre-adoptive foster care. Upon request of the employee, leaves of absence for paternity, adoption and pre-adoptive foster care shall be granted for a period of time requested by the employee, not to exceed 6 consecutive months. Upon request of the employee, the appointing authority may extend or renew paternity, adoption and pre-adoptive foster care leaves of absence for additional periods of time, not to exceed a total of 6 months. Part or all of the original paternity, adoptive or pre-adoptive foster care leave, extension or renewal may be covered by leave of absence without pay, earned annual leave, sabbatical leave, holiday leave, compensatory time off at the employee's discretion, or anticipated annual leave subject to s. ER 18.02(6).(f)Leave to serve in a project appointment. An appointing authority may grant a leave of absence without pay for not more than 4 years to an employee who voluntarily accepts a project appointment.(3) ABSENCE WITHOUT LEAVE. Any absence of an employee that is not authorized under chs. ER 1 to 47 shall be considered as an absence without leave. Any such absence may be grounds for disciplinary action. Note: Also see s. ER 21.03 regarding abandonment.
(4) FAILURE TO RETURN FROM LEAVE. The date the leave of absence expires shall be considered the last day worked.Wis. Admin. Code Department of Administration-Division of Personnel Management ER 18.14
Cr. Register, October, 1972, No. 202, eff. 11-1-72; am. (1) (b) and cr. (1) (d), Register, September, 1975, No. 237, eff. 10-1-75; am. (2), Register, December, 1976, No. 252, eff. 1-1-77; r. (1) (a), renum. (1) (b) to be (1) (a) and am., cr. (1) (b), (e) and (f), r. and recr. (1) (d), am. (2), cr. (4), Register, February, 1981, No. 302, eff. 3-1-81; am. (1) (a) and (d) and (2), Register, February, 1983, No. 326, eff. 3-1-83; renum. from ER-Pers 18.05 and r. (1) (e) and (f) (2), renum. (1) to be (2) and am. (2) (a) and (d), am. (3) and (4), cr. (1), (2) (e) and (f), Register, May, 1988, No. 389, eff. 6-1-88.See s. ER 21.03 for other provisions regarding failure to return from leave.