W. Va. Code R. § 78-2-25

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 78-2-25 - Transitional Living Services Program, Supervised Setting for Children Living Independently
25.1. An agency shall develop and implement policies, procedures, and forms for transitional living services, that will be provided to children transitioning from foster care, that includes the following:
25.1.1. The information and documentation required under this licensing rule; and
25.1.2. The date of implementation, review and revision of each policy, procedure, or form.
25.2. An agency shall operate in accordance with its written policies and procedures.
25.3. An agency shall establish eligibility criteria for transitional living services that include:
25.3.1. Policies and provisions developed by an agency based on Department requirements that specifies the services that will be provided to children transitioning to adulthood;
25.3.2. Age requirements for child receiving transitional living placement services is 17 years of age, but not more than 26 years of age;
25.3.3. Written permission from the child's parents or guardian for a child less than 18 years of age to enter a scattered-site living arrangement;
25.3.4. A written service agreement with a transitioning adult entering a transitional living arrangement;
25.3.5. A determination by an agency that a child has shown that he or she is stable, mature, and responsible enough for entry into the determined level of transitional living arrangement;
25.3.6. A life skills assessment by an agency of a child prior to placing him or her in a transitional living arrangement and renewed annually; and
25.3.7. A written transition plan developed with the child that identifies educational or training program or employment or pursuance of employment by the child in transitional living.
25.4. An agency shall assist the child in the development of a monthly budget that outlines income, savings, and expenditures.
25.5. The agency and child shall determine if a roommate is appropriate for a child prior to placement in transitional living settings. The roommate must be able to support his or herself and contribute at least one-half of the living expenses for the scattered-site setting.
25.6. An agency shall provide specific service training to employees providing transitional living services prior to their direct work with a child.
25.7. An agency shall document face-to-face contact and hours spent with a child in a transitional living setting in the service plan that meet the child's needs and program level.
25.8. After a child is in a transitional living placement, an agency shall assess the child's progress in acquiring basic living skills at a minimum of once every six months.
25.9. An agency shall develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure that any child in a transitional living setting receives training and guidance on appropriate health screening and services, including medical and dental screening and services.
25.10. An agency shall develop policies and procedures for assisting child in searching for an appropriate dwelling that will be used as a scattered-site living setting that includes the following provisions:
25.10.1. A safe, affordable dwelling;
25.10.2. A dwelling has a working telephone or other means of communication in an emergency, indoor cooking and an appropriate water source for cooking, cleaning, and bathing;
25.11. An agency shall develop policies for assisting the child in emergencies and develop a plan that includes the following:
25.11.1. A 24 hour a day, seven day a week access to emergency services;
25.11.2. A plan developed by the agency and child for emergency medical care and emergency evacuation;
25.12. The agency shall develop policies and procedure on how it will determine the child's level of successful functioning in the transitional living setting before he or she may be discharged.
25.13. The agency shall develop policies and procedures on developing aftercare plans for children prior to discharge.
25.14. The agency shall develop a grievance procedure for expressing and resolving the child's complaints or concerns.
25.15. The agency shall provide employees and children placed in a scattered-site setting or receiving transitioning services an opportunity to participate in the review or revision process of policies, protocols, or procedures.

W. Va. Code R. § 78-2-25