Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 64-95-2 - Definitions2.1. "Bureau" means the Bureau for Public Health in the Department of Health and Human Resources.2.2. "Child" or "Children" means any person between the ages of birth and eighteen years or up to twenty-one years of age when that person is attending school.2.3. "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Bureau for Public Health, or his or her designee.2.4. "Contraindication" means a medical condition which renders an immunization improper for a particular individual. Contraindications for each vaccine are found in statements written and published by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) as Recommendations of the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee and in Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The recommendations of the ACIP and VIS regarding contraindications can be found at "Delinquent" means lacking age appropriate immunization(s) which are required to have been completed prior to school entry.2.6. "Exemption" means an exemption for the compulsory immunization requirements of W. Va. Code § 16-3-4 and 64 C.S.R. 95.2.7. "Immunization Officer" means the physician appointed and employed by the Commissioner to make a determination on an application for an exemption to the compulsory immunization requirements of W. Va. Code § 16-3-4, on a statewide basis.2.8. "Local Health Officer" means the physician who supervises and directs the medical activities of a local health department and is appointed by the local board of health with approval from the Commissioner.2.9. "Physician" means the child's personal licensed physician. 2.10. "Precaution" means a condition defined under the current standards of immunization practice that might increase the chance or severity of an adverse vaccine reaction or compromise the ability of the vaccine to produce immunity.2.11. "State Health Officer" means the person appointed to serve as Commissioner and State Health Officer of the Bureau.2.12. "Student" means any child who enters into a school building housing kindergarten through twelfth grade to attend classes or programs or to participate in extracurricular activities taking place in a school building, on school grounds or at a place where the school conducts extracurricular activities and includes children entering for preschool programs as well as children in grades kindergarten through twelfth grade and children who transfer into a West Virginia School from another state or who transfer from being home schooled or from a private or alternative school.