Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 64-40-3 - Definitions3.1. Approved. -- A procedure of operation, installation, or construction which is in accordance with the standards, specifications, and instructions established by the Commissioner.3.2. Commissioner. -- The Commissioner of the West Virginia Bureau for Public Health or his or her designee.3.3. Health officer. -- The state health officer or the executive officer of the local board of health or his or her duly authorized representative.3.4. Management building. -- A building or structure used for supplying essential goods or services for the use of manufactured home community occupants.3.5. Manufactured Home. -- A structure, transportable in one or more sections, which in the traveling mode is eight body feet or more in width or forty or more feet in length or, when erected on site, is three hundred twenty or more square feet. The structure is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, including the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning and electrical systems contained in the structure. The term includes any structure which meets all the requirements of this definition, except the size requirements and with respect to which the manufacturer voluntarily files a certificate which complies with the applicable federal standards. Calculations used to determine the number of square feet in a structure will be based on the structure's exterior dimensions measured at the largest horizontal projections when erected on site.3.6. Manufactured home community. -- Any individual site, area, tract or parcel of land upon which four or more manufactured homes used or occupied for dwelling purposes are parked either free of charge or for monetary consideration and shall include any roadway, building, structure, installation, enclosure, or vehicle used or intended for use as a part of the facilities of the manufactured home community. All existing mobile home parks which meet this definition shall be renamed as "manufactured home communities" by this rule. The Bureau for Public Health legislative rule, Fees for Permits, 64CSR30, establishes a permit fee for mobile home parks. The established fee applies to all manufactured home communities regulated by this rule.3.7. Manufactured home site. -- A parcel of land for the accommodation of one manufactured home, its accessory building or structures, and accessory equipment for the exclusive use of the occupants.3.8. Manufactured home stand. -- That part of a manufactured home site which has been reserved for the placement of the manufactured home, appurtenant structures or additions.3.9. Occupant. -- A person using a manufactured home or a manufactured home community as a dwelling. 3.10. Operator. -- A person who is in charge of the operation of a manufactured home community, or who allows a lot, site, area, tract or parcel of land to be used for the parking or occupancy of four or more manufactured homes.3.11. Permit. -- A written document issued by the health authority giving a person permission to construct, install, alter, remodel, extend or operate a specific manufactured home community.3.12. Person. -- An individual, partnership, association, syndicate, company, firm, trust, corporation, government, corporation, institution, department, division, bureau, agency, or any entity recognized by law.3.13. Potable water. -- Water free from impurities, in amounts sufficient to cause disease or harmful physiological effects. The potable water shall comply with bacteriological, chemical, physical and radiological quality standards established by the Commissioner.3.14. Sewer connection. -- The connection consisting of all pipes, fittings, and appurtenances from the waste drain outlet of a manufactured home to the inlet pipe of the corresponding sewer riser pipe of the sewage collection system serving a manufactured home community.3.15. Sewer riser pipe. -- The portion of the sewer system which extends vertically above the ground elevation and terminates at a designated point at each manufactured home site.3.16. Sewage Collection System. -- The system of piping and appurtenances for the collection and transportation of sewage from the individual manufactured home units to either the designated sewage treatment plant or to approved off-site disposal. Piping within the collection system is referred to as sewer pipe.3.17. Water connection. -- The connection consisting of all pipes, fittings, and appurtenances from the water connection inlet of a manufactured home to the outlet pipe of the corresponding water riser pipe of the water distribution system serving a manufactured home community.3.18. Water riser pipe. -- That portion of the water supply system serving a manufactured home community and which extends vertically above the ground elevation and terminates at a designated point at each manufactured home site.3.19. Water supply system. -- A system of pipes, appurtenances and equipment for the collection, treatment, storage, or distribution of the water from the source of supply to the ultimate consumer.