Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 60-4-6 - Review, Evaluation, and Award6.1. Each application will be scored utilizing the following criteria: 6.1.a. Application Style: Legibility of the application, completed and signed cover sheet, and all questions answered and easy to find;6.1.b. Membership and History: A description of how the organization is a broad-based community organization. Also provide an overview of the organization's history;6.1.c. Issues: A review of the issues that affect the stream or streams within the watershed;6.1.d. Long and Short-Term Goals: A plan showing the organization's vision, mission, long-term goals, short-term goals, and the effect the project and organization will have on the community;6.1.e. Watershed Improvement Project: A description of the watershed improvement project that will enhance the quality of the stream and the watershed;6.1.f. Budget: A budget for the watershed improvement project that includes: how the applicant plans to spend the grant, in-kind services, cash contributions, and other grants that constitute the twenty per cent (20%) match;6.1.g. Outreach: A plan to provide education and outreach to the community about the importance of watershed protection and restoration; and6.1.h. Past History/ New Organizations: 6.1.h.1. For existing groups: record-keeping ability, completion of documentation of grant expenditures, watershed improvement project, ability to foster partnerships and obtain in-kind/cash contributions.6.1.h.2. For new organizations: ability to get organized, planning procedures, and partnership building.6.2. Grants, up to $5000, will be awarded to the highest ranking applicants by Executive Committee.