W. Va. Code R. agency 47, tit. 47, ser. 47-31, app A

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Appendix A


A facilities plan shall be prepared for inclusion with each application for SRF loan assistance. The format of a facilities plan shall follow this outline:

I. Introduction

II. Current Situation

III. Future Situation

IV. Alternatives

V. Plan Selection and Public Participation

VI. Environmental Information

VII. Project Summary

VIII. Appendices

I. Introduction.

A brief review of the project including a description of the planning area, the implementing authority, and the project history shall be provided in this section of the plan.

II. Current Situation.

A. Information related to current wastewater disposal practices (e.g., septic tanks, direct discharges, public sewers) and the names of all streams currently receiving effluent shall be provided in this section of the plan.

B. Population and probable customer counts, with nonresidential customers shown as equivalent dwelling units (EDUs), and the source of this data shall be included in this section of the plan. The data should also include water sales to sewer customers in gallons per day.

C. A complete infiltration/inflow (I/I) analysis for existing collection systems shall at the Secretary's_discretion be included in this section of the plan. This analysis shall be obtained through a physical inspection of the system, flow monitoring of major subsystems, and smoke testing. A summary of analysis findings shall show domestic waste production, average and peak infiltration rates, and inflow rates for each subsystem as well as for the system as a whole.

D. A complete sewer map, a calculation of the percentage of homes not currently sewered, a potential/certified health hazards certification, an excessive/nonexcessive infiltration/inflow determination, and any recommendations for project work resulting from the I/I analysis may be provided in this section of the plan.

E. A complete description of existing wastewater treatment facilities, including layout maps and schematic diagrams, shall be provided in this section of the plan. This description of existing facilities shall include the physical condition, capacities, maintenance data, and other pertinent information for each component of the facility.

F. A discussion of whether the collection system is combined or separate and the receiving stream of each outfall shall be provided in this section of the plan. If the system is combined, include a discussion of how the project complies with the long-term control plan (LTCP).

G. Existing NPDES permit requirements, new waste load allocation (WLA), or both shall be provided in this section of the plan.

H. Other documentation of need, including septic tank failure rates and West Virginia Bureau for Public Health reports, shall be included in this section of the plan.

I. The name of each stream receiving effluent and its the effluent limitations for each discharge in the planning area, stream designation, (as defined in 47 CSR2), and major river basin shall be included in this section of the plan. Also include a discussion of whether each stream impacted is on the CWA §303(d) list and if a total maximum daily load (TMDL) has been completed.

III. Future Situation.

A. Population projections, including historic growth rates for the project area and any other supporting arguments for the growth rate selected, shall be provided in this section of the plan. Population figures shall be translated into a customer count. Commercial/industrial flows shall be converted to equivalent dwelling units (EDUs) and then included in the customer count.

B. Waste flow projections, including the domestic water consumption of customers not currently connected to collection systems, shall be provided in this section of the plan. Both average flow and peak daily flow shall be included in these projections.

C. A waste load allocation for the selected discharge alternative and any NPDES permit requirements shall be included in this section of the plan.

IV. Alternatives.

A. Alternatives for the type of treatment, type of collection system, and location of the treatment works shall be evaluated in this section of the plan. Unless otherwise allowed by the Secretary, this evaluation shall include both a present-worth cost analysis and a discussion of other, nonmonetary factors (e.g., maintenance requirements, flexibility, public acceptance) for each alternative. The no-action alternative shall also be discussed in this evaluation.

Note: In general, only the most cost-effective alternative will be considered for SRF loan assistance in accordance with CWA Section 218. Furthermore, SRF loan assistance will normally be limited to projects proposing secondary treatment, advanced treatment, new interceptors and appurtenances, or the correction of infiltration/inflow problems; however, up to twenty percent (20%) of the state's annual allotment of SRF funds can be used to fund other projects within the definition of treatment works contained in CWA Section 212 and for certain nonpoint source control and groundwater protection purposes, as defined in CWA Section 319.

1. In the evaluation of treatment alternatives, a complete cost-effectiveness analysis shall be made of at least two alternatives that will comply with the discharge limits in the wasteload allocation (WLA). The evaluation of other processes may be required by the Secretary on a case-by-case basis. A separate subsection of this evaluation shall be devoted to sludge processing and its final disposal.

2. In the evaluation of collection system alternatives, the utilization of existing systems as well as new gravity, and grinder-pump/pressure, sewers shall be discussed. Maps of the selected alternative collection system, drawn on a scale of one inch equal to five hundred feet (1" = 500'), shall be included in this evaluation; these maps shall also identify existing and projected customers. The evaluation of other alternatives may be required by the Secretary on a case-by-case basis.

3. In the evaluation of alternative locations for the proposed treatment works, special consideration shall be given to the aesthetics and costs associated with each alternative site. A map of each alternative site, drawn on a scale of one inch equal to one hundred feet (1" = 100') and showing the 25-year and 100-year flood elevations, shall be included in this evaluation.

Note: The treatment works shall remain accessible during a 25-year flood and be completely protected from damage during a 100-year flood. Sites not meeting these criteria shall be eliminated from consideration. Sites that cannot conform with the buffer zone distances outlined in Table E of Appendix B of this rule shall also be eliminated from consideration.

V. Plan Selection and Public Participation.

A brief discussion of the factors influencing the choice of the selected alternatives shall be provided in this section of the plan. The minutes of public meetings held to discuss the proposed project and a ranking of the various alternatives shall also be included in this section of the plan.

VI. Environmental Information.

An assessment of the impacts of the proposed project upon archaeological and historical sites, endangered species, farmland, wetlands, and 25-year and 100-year flood elevations shall be provided in this section of the plan. A list of contacts for each Federal or State agency that requires consultation on these topics shall be obtained from the Secretary. Unavoidable adverse impacts of the project, and the measures that will be taken to mitigate or minimize those impacts, shall be addressed in this assessment. Other potential impacts to the project area, such as substantially increased development that will result due to the project, shall be also discussed in this section of the plan.

VII. Project Summary.

A summary of the proposed project, including detailed descriptions of all project facilities, systems, and appurtenances (e.g., the length and size of pipes, pumping station capacities) shall be provided in this section of the plan.

VIII. Appendices.

A. A project cost summary appendix shall be included in the facilities plan to detail:

1. Preliminary cost estimates for treatment works and collection system construction, ten percent (10%) contingency reserve, basic engineering design and construction, special engineering services, resident inspection, administrative and legal services, land acquisitions, financing, and SRF loan assistance required.

2. Projected annual costs for operation and maintenance, personnel, utilities, supplies, administration, billing and collection, outside services, and capital improvements.

3. Existing debt information including debt costs for the proposed project, loan conditions (specify funding agency), term of loan in years, interest payments, capital recovery factor, coverage, debt service per year, and total annual costs.

4. User charge information including the cost per one thousand (1,000) gallons (uniform rate), the minimum bill at two thousand (2,000) gallons per month, and the typical bill at four thousand (4,000) gallons per month.

B. A project schedule appendix shall be included in the facilities plan to detail the anticipated dates of:

1. Approval of facilities plan;

2. Initiation of project design work;

3. Submission of project plans and specifications;

4. Approval of project plans and specifications;

5. Submission of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to the Public Service Commission of West Virginia for approval;

6. Advertisement for bids;

7. Receipt of bids;

8. Loan application acceptance;

9. Loan receipt;

10. Awarding of contracts;

11. Commencement of project construction; and

12. Completion of project construction.

C. A project documents appendix shall be included in the facilities plan to provide copies of:

1. A resolution of acceptance if needed from the applicant;

2. All governmental agreements;

3. A copy of the current NPDES permit or waste load allocation or both;

4. A statement of availability of proposed wastewater treatment works site; and

5. All other pertinent correspondence and documents.

W. Va. Code R. agency 47, tit. 47, ser. 47-31, app A