Title V Fee = BF + CF + EF
CPI riser = ((CPI current year - CPI reference year)/(CPI reference year)) + 1
EF is the source's emissions fee component.
EFF ($/ton) is the emission fee factor under paragraph 8.1.b.1.
AE (tons) is the source's actual emissions of all regulated pollutants (for fee calculation) discharged during the most recent calendar year or portion thereof.
EFF = [TVE - TVI - (PSBF x TPS) - (DSBF x TDS) - (CF111 x T111) - (CF112 x T112)]/TAE
EFF ($/ton) is the emission fee factor for calculating emissions fees in subdivision 8.1.b.
TVE is the three (3) fiscal year average of expenses under Air Pollution Control Fund 3336/9310.
TVI is the interest earned from Air Pollution Control Fund 3336/9310 for the fiscal year.
PSBF is the source base fee under paragraph 8.1.a.1 adjusted by the CPI.
TPS is the total number of sources required to obtain a permit subject to paragraph 8.1.a.1.
DSBF is the deferred source base fee under paragraph 8.1.a.2 adjusted by the CPI.
TDS is the total number of deferred sources subject to paragraph 8.1.a.2.
CF111 is the complexity fee for sources subject to paragraph 8.1.a.3 adjusted by the CPI.
T111 is the total number of sources subject to paragraph 8.1.a.3.
CF112 is the complexity fee for sources subject to paragraph 8.1.a.4 adjusted by the CPI.
T112 is the total number of sources subject to paragraph 8.1.a.4.
TAE is the total amount of actual emissions (tons) of all regulated pollutants (for fee calculation) for all sources subject to this rule, as reported for the most recent calendar year.
W. Va. Code R. § 45-30-8