Qi = 2kLoMi(e-kti)(CNMOC)(3.6 x 10-9) Equation 1
Qi = NMOC emission rate from the ith section, megagrams per year.
k = Methane generation rate constant, year -1.
Lo, = Methane generation potential, cubic meters per megagram solid waste.
Mi= Mass of the degradable solid waste in the ith section, megagram.
ti= Age of the solid waste in the section, years.
CNMOC = Concentration of NMOC, ppm by volume.
3.6x10-9 = Conversion factor.
Mnmoc = Total NMOC emission rate from the landfill, megagrams per year.
k = Methane generation rate constant, year
Lo = Methane generation potential, cubic meters per megagram solid waste.
Ml = Mass of solid waste in the section, megagrams.
ti = Age of tire ith section, years.
Cnmoc = Concentration of NMOC, ppm by volume as hexane.
3.6 X 10-9 = Conversion factor.
Mnmoc = Mass emission rate of NMOC, megagrams per year.
Lo = Metirane generation potential, cubic meters per megagram solid waste.
R = Average annual acceptance rate, megagrams per year.
k = Methane generation rate constant, year
t = Age of landfill, years.
Cnmoc = Concentration of NMOC, ppm by volume as hexane.
c = Time since closure, years; for an active landfill c = 0 and e-kc = 1.
3.6 X 10-9 = Conversion factor.
MNMOC=1.89 x 103(-3) QLFG CNMOC Equation 4
MNMOC = Mass emission rate of NMOC, megagrams per year.
QLFG = Flow rate of landfill gas, cubic meters per minute.
CNMOC = NMOC concentration, ppm by volume as hexane.
NMOCin = Mass of NMOC entering control device.
NMOCout= Mass of NMOC exiting control device.
Qm = Maximum expected gas generation flow rate, cubic meters per year.
Lo = methane generation potential, cubic meters per megagram solid waste.
R = Average annual acceptance rate, megagrams per year.
k = Methane generation rate constant, year'*.
t = Age of the landfill at equipment installation plus the time the owner or operator intends to use die gas mover equipment or active life of the landfill, whichever is less. If the equipment is installed after closure, t is the age of die landfill at installation, years.
c = Time since closure, years (for an active landfill c = 0 and 0m =1).
Qm = Maximum expected gas generation flow rate, cubic meters per year,
k = Methane generation rate constant, year'*.
Lo, = methane generation potential, cubic meters per megagram solid waste.
Mi= Mass of solid waste in the ith section, megagrams.
ti= Age of the ith section, years.
W. Va. Code R. § 45-23-7