W. Va. Code R. § 45-21-17

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 45-21-17 - Coating of Large Appliances
17.1. Applicability.
17.1.1. This section 17. applies to any large appliance coating line.
17.1.2. This section 17. does not apply to:
17.1.2.a. Any coating line within a facility whose actual emissions without control devices from all large appliance coating lines within the facility are less than 6.8 kilograms (kg) (15 pounds [lb]) volatile organic compound (VOC) per day; or,
17.1.2.b. The use of quick-drying lacquers for repair of scratches and nicks that occur during assembly, provided that the volume of coating does not exceed 0.95 liter (L) (0.25 gallon [gal]) in any one 8-hour period.
17.1.3. An owner or operator of a facility whose emissions are below this applicability threshold shall comply with the certification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements of subdivision 17.7.1.
17.2. Definitions. -- As used in this section 17., all terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given them in section 2.
17.2.1. "Large appliance" means any residential or commercial washer, dryer, range, refrigerator, freezer, water heater, dishwasher, trash compactor, air conditioner, or other similar products under Standard Industrial Classification Code 363.
17.2.2. "Large appliance coating line" means a coating line in which any protective, decorative, or functional coating onto the surface of component metal parts (including, but not limited to, doors, cases, lids, panels, and interior parts) of large appliances.
17.3. Standards.
17.3.1. No owner or operator of a large appliance coating line subject to this section 17. shall cause or allow the application of any coating on that line with VOC content in excess of 0.34 kilograms per liter (kg/L) (2.8 pounds per gallon [lb/gal]) of coating, minus water and exempt compounds, as applied.
17.3.2. As an alternative to compliance with the emission limit in subdivision 17.3.1., an owner or operator of a large appliance coating line subject to this section 17. may meet the requirements of subsection 17.4. or 17. 5.
17.4. Daily-weighted average limitation. -- No owner or operator of a large appliance coating line subject to this section 17. shall apply coatings on that line, during any day, whose daily-weighted average VOC content, calculated in accordance with the procedure specified in section 43., exceeds the emission limit in subdivision 17.3.1.
17.5. Control devices. -- An owner or operator of a large appliance coating line subject to this section 17. shall comply with this section 17. by:
17.5.1. Installing and operating a capture system on that line;
17.5.2. Installing and operating a control device on that line;
17.5.3. Determining for each day the overall emission reduction efficiency needed to demonstrate compliance. The overall emission reduction needed for a day is the lesser of the value calculated according to the procedure in subsection 43.2. for that day or 95 percent; and
17.5.4. Demonstrating each day that the overall emission reduction efficiency achieved for that day, as determined in subsection 44.3., is greater than or equal to the overall emission reduction efficiency required for that day.
17.6. Test methods. -- The test methods found in sections 41. through 44. shall be used to determine compliance with this section 17.
17.7. Recordkeeping and reporting.
17.7.1. An owner or operator of a large appliance coating line that is exempt from the emission limitations in subsection 17.3. shall comply with the certification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in subsection 4.2.
17.7.2. An owner or operator of a large appliance coating line subject to this section 17. and complying with subsection 17.3. by the use of complying coatings shall comply with the certification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in subsection 4.3.
17.7.3. An owner or operator of a large appliance coating line subject to this section 17. and complying with subsection 17.4. by daily-weighted averaging shall comply with the certification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in subsection 4.4.
17.7.4. An owner or operator of a large appliance coating line subject to this section 17. and complying with subsection 17.5. by the use of control devices shall comply with the testing, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements in subsection 4.5.

W. Va. Code R. § 45-21-17