W. Va. Code R. § 45-7-4

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 45-7-4 - Control and Prohibition of Particulate Emissions by Weight from Manufacturing Process Source Operations
4.1. No person shall cause, suffer, allow or permit particulate matter to be vented into the open air from any type source operation or duplicate source operation, or from all air pollution control equipment installed on any type source operation or duplicate source operation in excess of the quantity specified under the appropriate source operation type in Table 45-7A found at the end of this rule.
4.2. Mineral acids shall not be released from any type source operation or duplicate source operation or from all air pollution control equipment installed on any type source operation or duplicate source operation in excess of the quantity given in Table 45-7B found at the end of this rule.
4.3. No person shall circumvent the provisions of this rule by adding additional gas to any exhaust or group of exhausts for the purpose of reducing the stack gas concentration.
4.4. If a duplicate source operation that meets the requirements of this rule is expanded or if a source operation that meets the requirements of this rule is expanded to form a duplicate source operation, the total allowable emission rate for the expanded portion shall be determined by the following formula:

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Re is the total allowable emission rate in pounds per hour for the new expanded portion of the duplicate source operation;

Wet is the total operating process weight rate in pounds per hour of the source operation or duplicate source operation prior to expansion plus the operating process weight rate of the new expanded portion;

Ret is allowable emission rate in pounds per hour found in subsection 4.1 opposite the process weight rate, Wet; and

We is the operating process weight rate in pounds per hour for the new expanded portion.

4.5. Separate stack emission rates for the new expanded portions of concern in subsection 4.4 shall be calculated as per subsection 4.9. The applicable stack emission rate(s) so calculated shall be additive with the existing emission rate for any stack used to vent both an existing source operation or duplicate source operation(s) and addition(s) or portion(s) thereof.
4.6. The operating process weight for new plants which will contain duplicate source operations shall include the total process weight of those duplicate units to be installed during the initial 5 year operating period.
4.7. Except as noted in subdivisions 4.7.1 through 4.7.3, the increase of the operating process weight rate of any manufacturing process source operation or duplicate source operation by the operation of new, replacement, reactivated and/or altered source operation(s) shall be considered as an expansion and the allowable emission rates from the source operation(s) which resulted in the increase shall be determined as per subsection 4.4.
4.7.1. Type 'b' duplicate source operations whose air pollution control equipment efficiency is a minimum of 99% by weight and whose total process weight rate is less than 250,000 pounds per hour shall be exempted from the requirements of subsection 4.1 provided that smoke emitted into the open air from any such duplicate source operation is less than 20% opacity. If a duplicate source operation is expanded by the addition of a new source operation(s) and the total operating process weight rate is then greater than 250,000 pounds per hour, the allowable emission rates from the source operation which resulted in the increase above 250,000 pounds per hour shall be determined as per subsection 4.4.
4.7.2. Primary aluminum reduction potlines which are equipped with a fluidized bed reactor or other similar gas cleaning device which utilizes particulate matter as a media or as a component of a media for collecting or reducing the emissions of gaseous fluorides, shall be exempted from the requirements of subsections 4.1 and 4.4 provided that:
4.7.2.a. At least 99% of the gaseous fluoride is removed from the exit gas stream by such device prior to discharging the cleaned gas stream to the open air;
4.7.2.b. The particulate matter loading in the exit gas stream is not greater than 0.01 grains per standard cubic foot of dry stack gas; and
4.7.2.c. The smoke emitted into the open air from any such duplicate source operation is less than 20% opacity. If a duplicate source operation is expanded by the addition of new source operation(s) and the total operating process weight rate is then greater than 250,000 pounds per hour, the allowable emission rates from the source operation which resulted in the increase above 250,000 pounds per hour shall be determined as per subsection 4.4.
4.7.3. The emissions of gaseous fluorides and particulate fluorides from prebake cells within an existing primary aluminum plant in operation on or before January 26, 1976, shall be controlled by a system for continuous emission reduction which system shall achieve at least 90% fluoride emissions capture efficiency through its primary collection system and at least 99% fluoride emissions removal efficiency through its primary removal system; and
4.7.4. Anode butts from such a plant which are recycled in an on-site anode bake plant shall be cleaned as necessary to minimize adherent fluoride bearing bath material.
4.8. Where more than one source operation or combinations thereof, which are part of a duplicate source operation, are vented through separate stacks, the allowable stack emission rates for the separate stacks shall be determined by the following formula:

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Rs is the allowable stack emission rate for the separate stack venting the source operation(s) in question;

Rt is the total allowable emission rate for the duplicate source operation;

Ws is the operating process weight rate for the source operation(s) vented through the separate stack; and

Wt is the total operating process weight rate for the duplicate source operation.

4.9. The provisions of subsections 4.1, 4.4 and 4.8 shall not apply to the coking of coal.
4.10. The provisions of subsection 4.1 shall not apply to sinter processes, basic oxygen processes, blast furnace cast house operations, machine scarfing operations and hot metal transfer operations employed in the manufacturing of steel. The following provisions shall apply:
4.10.1. Particulate matter emissions shall not exceed a concentration of 0.030 grains per dry standard cubic foot from a sinter strand windbox.
4.10.2. Particulate matter emissions shall not exceed a concentration of 0.020 grains per dry standard cubic foot from a sinter strand discharge.
4.10.3. Particulate matter emissions shall not exceed a concentration of 0.020 grains per dry standard cubic foot from the entry and exit ends of a sinter cooler.
4.10.4. Particulate matter emissions from the stack of the main (primary) air pollution control equipment of a basic oxygen process, including emissions from fuel firing in an integral waste heat boiler, shall not exceed 0.11 lbs/ton of steel produced.
4.10.5. Particulate matter emissions from basic oxygen process secondary air pollution control equipment shall not exceed a concentration of 0.020 grains per dry standard cubic foot. The air pollution control device shall capture and control emissions from hot metal and scrap charging, tapping, turndown, slagging and as required to control slopping emissions.
4.10.6. Particulate matter emissions from any blast furnace cast house air pollution control equipment shall not exceed a concentration of 0.020 grains per dry standard cubic foot.
4.10.7. Particulate matter emissions shall not exceed a concentration of 0.040 grains per dry standard cubic foot from hot metal transfer from torpedo car to BOF charging ladle during periods when hot metal transfer is actually performed.
4.10.8. Particulate matter emissions shall not exceed a concentration of 0.030 grains per dry standard cubic foot from a machine scarfing operation during periods in which scarfing is being performed.
4.11. The provisions of subsections 4.1, 4.4 and 4.8 shall not apply to petroleum coke calcining kilns in existence on April 1, 1982, provided that particulate matter vented into the open air from each kiln, measured in pounds per hour, shall not exceed the amounts as determined by the following formulas:
4.11.1. When manufacturing regular (amorphous) coke:



E = allowable emission rate and

P = the process weight rate in tons per hour, provided, however, that no kiln manufacturing regular (amorphous) coke shall exceed a maximum emission rate of 50 pounds per hour.

4.11.2. When manufacturing graphite (crystalline) coke:



E = allowable emission rate in pounds per hour, and

P = process weight rate in tons per hour, provided, however, that no kiln manufacturing graphite (crystalline) coke shall exceed a maximum emissions rate of 200 pounds per hour.

4.11.3. Provided further that each such kiln is equipped with an incinerator that will be operated at a temperature of not less than 1600 degrees F and have a residence time of 12 seconds or longer when calcining regular coke and 24 seconds or longer when calcining graphite coke, and provided further that, in the event a plant has more than one kiln, such plant shall be operated so that only 1 of such kilns shall calcine graphite coke at any one time.
4.12. Any stack serving any process source operation or air pollution control equipment on any process source operation shall contain flow straightening devices or a vertical run of sufficient length to establish flow patterns consistent with acceptable stack sampling procedures.
4.13. Potential Hazardous Material Emissions. -- Persons responsible for manufacturing process source operations from which hazardous particulate matter material may be emitted such as, but not limited to, lead, arsenic, beryllium and other such materials shall give the utmost care and consideration to the potential harmful effects of the emissions resulting from such activities. Evaluations of these facilities as to adequacy, efficiency and emission potential will be made on an individual basis by the Secretary working in conjunction with other appropriate governmental agencies.
4.14. Reserved.

W. Va. Code R. § 45-7-4