Re is the total allowable emission rate in pounds per hour for the new expanded portion of the duplicate source operation;
Wet is the total operating process weight rate in pounds per hour of the source operation or duplicate source operation prior to expansion plus the operating process weight rate of the new expanded portion;
Ret is allowable emission rate in pounds per hour found in subsection 4.1 opposite the process weight rate, Wet; and
We is the operating process weight rate in pounds per hour for the new expanded portion.
Rs is the allowable stack emission rate for the separate stack venting the source operation(s) in question;
Rt is the total allowable emission rate for the duplicate source operation;
Ws is the operating process weight rate for the source operation(s) vented through the separate stack; and
Wt is the total operating process weight rate for the duplicate source operation.
E = allowable emission rate and
P = the process weight rate in tons per hour, provided, however, that no kiln manufacturing regular (amorphous) coke shall exceed a maximum emission rate of 50 pounds per hour.
E = allowable emission rate in pounds per hour, and
P = process weight rate in tons per hour, provided, however, that no kiln manufacturing graphite (crystalline) coke shall exceed a maximum emissions rate of 200 pounds per hour.
W. Va. Code R. § 45-7-4