W. Va. Code R. § 38-18-12

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 38-18-12 - Well Records
12.1 Well Records Made During Permitted Work - The well operator or his contractor (drilling contractor or other contractor, as appropriate) shall keep at the well location a copy of the application as permitted, including the associated plat and Construction and Reclamation Plan required by Section 5.2. The well operator or his contractor (drilling contractor or other contractor, as appropriate) shall also make and preserve at the well location accurate records of all well work performed pursuant to the permit including documentation by the contractor or person performing the cementing services of the time of completion of cementing and the volume of cement used for the cementing of the fresh water casing. The records shall be complete enough to support, as applicable, the entries of well work done and related data on Form WR-35, "Well Operator's Report of Drilling, Stimulating or Physical change", Form WR-36, "Well Operator's Report of Initial Gas-Oil Ratio Test," Form WR-37, "Pre-Operation Certificate for Liquid Injection or Waste Disposal Well", and Form WR-38, "Affidavit of Plugging and Filling Well", but such forms WR-35 through WR-38 shall reflect data discovered or changes made after the permitted well work has been finished and before the forms filed. The records made and preserved at the well location and the recordings made on Form WR-35 shall include, but not be limited to, indications of caverns, open mines, or other voids, whether the fresh water casing cement did circulate to the surface, and the efforts made to 11 the annular space and the results. Unless such records of well work performed are prepared by the well operator or owner, a copy of all such records shall be delivered to the well owner or operator.
12.2 Filing of Well Record and Related Forms -
12.2.1. Within ninety (90) days after the completion of permitted well work, two (2) copies of Form WR-35, "Well Operator's Report of Drilling, Fracturing and/or Stimulating or Physical Change", containing in proper form the geological information required by W.Va. Code § 22B-1-22, Form WR-36, "Well Operator's Report of Initial Gas-Oil Ratio Test", (except that, where the well has not been connected within such ninety (90) day period to pipelines or production tanks, Form WR-36 shall be filed no more than fifteen (15) days after such connection), Form WR-37, "Pre-Operation Certificate for liquid Injection or Waste Disposal Well", and Form WR-38, "Affidavit of Plugging and Filling Well", shall be filed by the well owner or operator with the Chief. Such forms need not repeat well record information for any work (whether permitted or not) performed prior to and not part of the permitted work which said forms apply. Such forms shall correct or add to the well log and other records made and preserved at the well location by specifying the casing, treatment, or physical changes performed after completion of the permitted work, and the additional information or corrected information discovered, by electric logs or other means, after completion of the permitted work.
12.2.2. Deep Well Confidential Information; Filing of Well Logs - Within ninety (90) days after the completion of drilling or recompletion of a deep well, the well operator shall file a copy of the well log and the electrical, radioactive or other similar conventional log if such logs have been performed. In addition, as soon as practicable, the well operator shall file a copy of drill stem test charts, formation water analysis, porosity, permeability or fluid saturation measurements, core analysis, and lithologic log or sample description as compiled; Provided, that no such additional information shall be required unless the well operator has compiled such information in the ordinary course of business. No interpretation of the data is required to be filed, All information furnished with respect to a deep well marked "confidential" shall be kept confidential for one (1) year following the date the information is required to be filed hereunder unless the well operator gives the Chief written permission to release such information at an earlier date. For good cause shown by the operator the West Virginia "Oil and Gas Conservation Commission may extend the period of confidentiality for one (1) year. The total period of confidentiality shall not exceed three (3) years.
12.3. Restriction of New Application - Except for good cause shown, no application required by W.Va. Code § 22B-1-6 may be filed for any work after the initial completion of a well unless all forms required by Section 12.2 have been completed and filed with the Office.

W. Va. Code R. § 38-18-12