EXAMPLE: WIN POOL (Standard Price Calculation)
Sum of Wagers on All Betting Interests | = $194,230.00 |
Refunds | = $1,317.00 |
Gross Pool: | |
Sum of Wagers on All Betting Interests - Refunds | = $192,913.00 |
Percent Takeout | = 18% |
Takeout: | |
Gross Pool X Percent Takeout | = $34,724.34 |
Net Pool: | |
Gross Pool-Takeout | = $158,188.66 |
Gross Amount Bet on Winner | = $23,872.00 |
Profit: | |
Net Pool - Gross Amount Bet on Winner | = $134,316.66 |
Profit Per Dollar: | |
Profit / Gross Amount Bet on Winner | = $5.6265357 |
$1 Unbroken Price: | |
Profit Per Dollar + $1 | = $6.6265357 |
$1 Unbroken Price for 2nd place: | |
Profit Per Dollar for 2nd place + SI | = $5.8726664 |
W. Va. Code R. agency 178, tit. 178, ser. 178-05, tbl. 178-5C