2.2. Summary of rules and regulations below. SUMMARY OF RULES" AND REGULATIONS
The job-related content specialization objectives for school counselor are grouped in the following categories; planning, delivery and review of counseling; counseling techniques and strategies; career development; and testing and evaluation.
School personnel
Certification and Licensure Standards
Job-related content Spcialization objectives
1.0 PUNNING, DELIVERY, AND REVIEW OF COUNSELING1.1 Identify the major functions of the school counselor.1.2 Identify the roles and responsibilities of school counseling programs and staff.1.3 Identify steps and procedures for conceptualizing and planning a program of counseling services.1.4 Apply needs assessment techniques to the development of school counseling programs.1.5 Apply methods of determining goals and objectives for a school counseling program.1.6 Identify components of a developmental counseling program relevant to the personal, social, and emotional needs of students at various grade levels.1.7 Analyze procedures and principles of group guidance related to educational and career development.1.8 Analyze the criteria and methods for evaluating school counseling programs.1.9 Analyze the role of counseling personnel in the process of school curriculum development.1.10 Identify ways to Incorporate counseling objectives into the school curriculum.1.11 Identify ways to make the school environment conducive to personal, social, and emotional development.1.12 Identify ways to facilitate the development of a wide range of educational and career opportunities for the student.1.13 Identify ways to utilize the nonacademic activities of the school to enhance the total development of the individual.NOTE:
1 A11 of the following objectives for counselors were viewed as job-related by all three programmatic levels, i.e., early childhood (grades K-4), middle childhood (grades 5-8), and adolescent education (grades 9-l).
1.14 Identify ways to aid students in adjusting to new settings through orientation activities.1.15 Identify procedures for placing students in special programs.1.16 Identify ways to assist school staff in understanding and guiding student behavior.1.17 Differentiate between consultation and counseling strategies with professional staff.1.18 Identify ways to provide information to parents and assist them in understanding and guiding behavior of their children.1.19 Identify ways to use resources within the community to assist in the solution of problems affecting the student and to enhance the total school program.1.20 Identify leadership styles and strategies appropriate to the role of a school counselor.1.21 Analyze the school counselor's role in discipline.1.22 Analyze issues involved in the ethical and responsible use of student records.1.23 Analyze the role of the school counselor in developing and promoting a public awareness of counseling services and achievements.1.24 Analyze ethical standards which pertain to the role of the school counselor.1.25 Identify significant court decisions and legislation affecting education (e.g., student rights, equal educational opportunity, education for the handicapped).1.26 Identify organizations (e.g., licensure, certification) that establish and monitor professional standards related to school counseling.1.27 Identify the potential effects of new technology on counseling practices.1.23 Identify the counselor's role in recognizing and assessing current trends in education and school counseling.1.29 Identify the role of the counselor in recognizing the value of various life styles and how they may affect school counseling. 2.0 COUNSELING TECHNIQUES AND STRATEGIES2.1 Identify the major goals and purposes of counseling individuals.2.2 Apply the process of working with an Individual to formulate strategies for problem solving.2.3 Analyze the procedures and issues involved in conducting Initial counseling interviews.2.4 Identify appropriate interviewing skills.2.5 Apply the principles and techniques of behavioral theory to individual counseling situations.2.6 Apply the principles and techniques of cognitive theory to Individual counseling situations. .2.7 Apply the principles and techniques of humanistic theory to Individual counseling situations.2.8 Apply eclectic theories and techniques to individual counseling situations.2.9 Identify techniques of crisis intervention appropriate to a given situation.2.10 Identify the goals and purposes of group counseling.2.11 Analyze the process of setting goals in group counseling.2.12 Identify the stages of group development in group counseling.2.13 Identify the major elements of group counseling theory.2.14 Select the technique(s) appropriate to a given situation in group counseling.2.15 Analyze the role of the group leader in group counseling.2.16 Analyze the effects of group structure (e.g., size, composition) and group dynamics on the group counseling process.2.17 Identify procedures and issues involved in consulting and making referrals in counseling situations.2.18 Identify principles and procedures of classroom guidance in school settings.2.19 Identify techniques for developing problem-solving skills in students through individual and group counseling.2.20 Identify techniques for developing decision-making skills in students through individual and group counseling.2.21 -Select the appropriate community or referral resource for a given counseling problem.2.22 Identify ways in which peers can be used to assist in the counseling of students.2.23 Analyze the physical and psychological effects of drugs and diet on an individual with regard to counseling.2.24 Identify personal characteristics which facilitate the helping process and develop sensitivity to self.2.25 Identify characteristics of effective communication with others.2.26 Analyze the influences of the family on the development of children and adolescents.2.27 Recognize characteristics of behavior problems and disorders which may develop 1n childhood and adolescence.2.28 Analyze social factors which influence learning and personality development in children and adolescents (e.g., socioeconomic status, school and community, various life styles).2.29 Analyze factors which affect the development of self-identity (e.g., autonomy, sex roles).2.30 Analyze peer influences on human growth and development. 3.1 Identify the goals, content, and structure of career planning and preparation programs in the schools.3.2 Analyze employment trends and their effects on career planning programs (e.g., demographics, economic factors, occupational outlook, automation, and technology).3.3 Analyze career development theory as it relates to career planning in the schools.3.4 Apply the principles of major developmental theories to career planning.3.5 Identify federal, state, local, and commercial sources of occupational information.3.6 Identify appropriate informational materials and methods for collecting and disseminating materials to students (e.g., educational, occupational, military). 3.7. Analyze the role of the school counselor in providing assistance to students seeking employment (e.g., resume preparation, job Interviewing skills, placement, aiding students in interpreting experience).3.8 Identify the goals and objectives of career planning and preparation in vocational-technical schools.3.9 Identify curriculum appropriate to student career goals.3.10 Analyze the role of the counselor in helping students make post-secondary educational decisions.3.11 Identify the developmental levels of career development and the career management tasks appropriate to each level.3.12 Identify the role of the school counselor in comprehensive career education programs. 4.0 TESTING AND EVALUATION4.1 Identify the characteristics and uses of aptitude/placement and intelligence tests.4.2 Identify the characteristics and uses of achievement/diagnostic tests.4.3 Identify the characteristics and uses of personality/interest inventories.4.4 Identify the characteristics and uses of anecdotal and cumulative records for assessment.4.5 Identify the characteristics and uses of self-report instruments for assessment.4.6 Identify the characteristics and uses of observation techniques and instruments for assessment (e.g., rating scale, checklists).4.7 Identify the characteristics and uses of case studies/histories for assessment.4.8 Analyze the concept of validity as it applies to test instruments.4.9 Analyze the concept of reliability as it applies to test instruments.4.10 Differentiate between norm-referenced and criterion-referenced test instruments and their uses.4.11 Select appropriate test instruments for specific evaluation purposes.4.12 Interpret and communicate test data applied to a given student.4.13 Analyze the relationship between various descriptive statistics in interpreting test scores (e.g., standard deviation, percentiles, central tendency).4.14 Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of different types of test scores (e.g., standard scores, grade equivalents, raw score, etc.).4.15 Analyze methods and issues involved in synthesizing testing and nontesting data.4.16 Analyze various uses of test data.4.17 Identify ways to accommodate special needs of students using data and group decision-making strategies.4.18 Identify procedures for administering tests in individual and group settings.4.19 Identify procedures for assisting school personnel in the use and interpretation of test data.4.20 Analyze legal and ethical issues related to testing, reporting test scores, and using test results.4.21 Identify criteria and procedures for evaluating school counseling programs.4.22 Apply the results of school counseling program evaluations in improving the counseling program.