Series 114-85 - Professional Employer Organizations
- Section 114-85-1 - General
- Section 114-85-2 - Definitions
- Section 114-85-3 - Licensing and Renewal Requirements
- Section 114-85-4 - Combined or Consolidated Licenses
- Section 114-85-5 - Limited Licenses
- Section 114-85-6 - Denial of a License Application or Renewal
- Section 114-85-7 - Suspension, Revocation or Probation of a License
- Section 114-85-8 - Investigations
- Section 114-85-9 - Complaints
- Section 114-85-10 - Responsibilities of a Professional Employer Organization
- Section 114-85-11 - Notification of Change in Identifying Information
- Section 114-85-12 - Enforcement and penalties