Total Additions Modification...$2,000
Total Subtractions Modification...$700
West Virginia Fiduciary Adjustment...$1,300
Example 1. - A trust has income for trust accounting purposes of ten thousand dollars ($10,000). The West Virginia fiduciary adjustment with respect to the trust is a "positive" number which equals five thousand dollars ($5,000). The trust pays trustee's commissions and other expenses of a formal accounting chargeable to principal which, for the purpose of this example, are deductible for federal and West Virginia income tax purposes and have the effect of reducing federal distributable net income exactly to zero.
Under the trust instrument, four thousand dollars ($4,000) of income is required to be distributed to A. An additional three thousand dollars ($3,000) is paid to A, pursuant to the discretionary authority of the trustee out of the balance of the total income of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), and the remaining three thousand dollars ($3,000) is accumulated by the trust. A's seven thousand dollar ($7,000) share is therefore seventy percent (70%) of the income for trust accounting purposes. Accordingly, A is required to add seventy percent (70%) of the West Virginia fiduciary adjustment of five thousand dollars ($5,000), or thirty-five hundred dollars ($3,500), to his federal adjusted gross income in determining his West Virginia adjusted gross income, as provided in Subsection 12.4. The remaining fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500) is the trust's share in the West Virginia fiduciary adjustment, which is required to be added to the federal taxable income of the trust in determining its West Virginia taxable income, as provided under Subsection 18.2.
Example 2. - The facts are the same as in Example 1 except that the West Virginia fiduciary adjustment is a "negative" number which equals five thousand dollars ($5,000). In computing his West Virginia adjusted gross income, the beneficiary is therefore permitted to subtract thirty-five hundred dollars ($3,500) which is his share in the West Virginia fiduciary adjustment, from his federal adjusted gross income. The trust is permitted to subtract fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500), which is its share in the West Virginia fiduciary adjustment, from its federal taxable income. In this particular case, the trust will derive no West Virginia taxable benefit from this subtraction except in a case where it has nondistributable capital gains or extraordinary dividends allocated to principal.
W. Va. Code R. § 110-21-19