Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 455 - EMISSION OF PARTICULATE MATTER455.1 No person shall cause or permit emission of particulate matter in excess of 0.10 grain/dry standard cubic foot (dscf) (0.23 g/m3) (combustion emissions shall be corrected to 7% O2) except: 455.11 From all gaseous and distillate fuel burning equipment, emissions shall not exceed 0.05 grain/dscf (0.11 g/m3) corrected to 7% oxygen.455.12 From existing sources utilizing combustion of wood for the production of steam, no person shall allow or permit emission of particulate matter in excess of 0.20 grain/dscf (0.46 g/m3) corrected to 7% oxygen, as measured by procedures specified by the Control Officer.455.13 From all existing petroleum catalytic cracking units emissions shall not exceed 0.20 grain/dscf (0.46 g/m3) of exhaust gas as corrected to 7% oxygen.455.14 Wood waste burners shall meet the provisions of Section 458.2.455.15 Upon request by a source, the Control Officer may approve an alternate correction factor that is determined to be more representative of normal operations if it can be demonstrated that there will be no violations of any ambient air quality standard.455.2 Information regarding particulate size distribution may be required at the discretion of the Control Officer. Wash. Admin. Code Northwest Clean Air Agency, 400, 455
PASSED: January 8, 1969 AMENDED: February 4, 1970, February 14, 1973, January 9, 1974, August 9, 1978, April 14, 1993, May 11, 1995