* Review, analyze, and advise the department of its responsibilities under The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 including, vocational rehabilitation, business enterprise program, and independent living services;
* Partner with the department in the development and review of the VR state plan goals and priorities, the DSB strategic plan, reports, needs assessments, and program evaluation;
* Conduct a review and analysis of consumer satisfaction as it relates to the functions performed by the department, the services delivered, and outcomes achieved;
* Prepare and submit an annual report to the governor and the RSA commissioner, and make the report available to the public;
* Coordinate with other councils, as specified by The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, including, the state independent living council and centers for independent living;
* Advocate for people who are blind by making recommendations to the governor and the legislature on issues related to the department, other state agencies, or state laws which have a significant effect on the opportunities, services, or rights of blind persons;
* Advise and make recommendations to the governor on the criteria and qualifications pertinent to the selection of the department director;
* Perform other functions consistent with The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, comparable to other functions performed by the council, determined by the council.
Membership must also include the following represented groups:
* A consumer organization of the blind; two current or former recipients of vocational rehabilitation services;
* Four representatives of business, labor and industry;
* The state workforce investment board;
* The client assistance program;
* The parent information and training center;
* A current or former qualified vocational rehabilitation counselor who shall be a nonvoting member if currently employed by the department;
* A community rehabilitation program;
* The tribal vocational rehabilitation program;
* The office of the superintendent of public instruction;
* A representative of individuals who are blind who have difficulty representing themselves or are unable, due to their disabilities, to represent themselves;
* The Washington state independent living council;
* The executive director of the department who shall be a nonvoting member.
Wash. Admin. Code § 67-10-025