Recreational activities include all activities provided by the institution, or sanctioned by the institution, to meet the recreational needs or interests of students, including, but not limited to, intramural activities and club sports.
(1) Institutions are not required to offer any specific type or level of recreational opportunities. Institutions which elect to offer recreational opportunities shall do so based upon the interest levels of the students.(2) Institutions which provide the following benefits and services for recreational activities must make them available without regard to gender:(a) Equipment, supplies, laundry services(b) Medical care, services and insurance,(c) Transportation and per diem allowances,(d) Opportunities to receive coaching and instruction,(e) Assignment of game officials,(f) Opportunities for competitions,(g) Publicity and awards,(h) Scheduling of games and practice times, including use of courts, gyms and pools, showers, toilets, lockers, or training room facilities.Wash. Admin. Code § 250-71-040
Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.110 RCW. 90-24-023, § 250-71-040, filed 11/29/90, effective 12/30/90.