Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 246-215-03610 - Labeling-Food labels (FDA Food Code 3-602.11)(1) FOOD PACKAGED in a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT must be labeled as specified in LAW, including chapters 69.04 and 15.130 RCW; 21 C.F.R. 101 - Food Labeling; and 9 C.F.R. 317 - Labeling, Marking Devices, and Containers.(2) Label information must include: (a) The common name of the FOOD or, absent a common name, an adequately descriptive identity statement;(b) If made from two or more ingredients, a list of ingredients in descending order of predominance by weight, including a declaration of artificial color or flavor and chemical preservatives, if contained in the FOOD;(c) An accurate declaration of the quantity of contents;(d) The name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor;(e) The name of the FOOD source for each MAJOR FOOD ALLERGEN contained in the FOOD unless the FOOD source is already part of the common or unusual name of the respective ingredient;(f) Except as exempted in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Section 403 (q)(3) through (5), nutrition labeling as specified in 21 C.F.R. 101 - Food Labeling and 9 C.F.R. 317 Subpart B Nutrition Labeling; and(g) For any salmonid FISH containing canthaxanthin or astaxanthin as a COLOR ADDITIVE, the labeling of the bulk FISH container, including a list of ingredients, displayed on the retail container or by other written means, such as a counter card, that discloses the use of canthaxanthin or astaxanthin.(3) Bulk FOOD that is available for CONSUMER self-dispensing must be prominently labeled with the following information in plain view of the CONSUMER: (a) The manufacturer's or processor's label that was provided with the FOOD; or(b) A card, sign, or other method of notification that includes the information specified under subsection (2)(a), (b), and (f) of this section.(4) Bulk unPACKAGED FOODS such as bakery products and unPACKAGED FOODS that are portioned to CONSUMER specification need not be labeled if: (a) A health, nutrient content, or other claim is not made;(b) There are no state or local LAWS requiring labeling; and(c) The FOOD is manufactured or prepared on the PREMISES of the FOOD ESTABLISHMENT or at another FOOD ESTABLISHMENT or a FOOD PROCESSING PLANT that is owned by the same PERSON and is regulated by the FOOD regulatory agency that has jurisdiction.(5) Whenever unpasteurized milk and FOODS containing unpasteurized milk are offered for sale at a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT, except hard or semi-soft raw milk cheeses properly fermented and aged for a minimum of sixty days in compliance with 21 C.F.R. Part 133, the PERMIT HOLDER and PERSON IN CHARGE shall ensure that: (a) The product is conspicuously labeled "raw milk" or "contains raw milk"; and(b) A sign is posted in a conspicuous manner near the product stating: "Warning: Raw milk or foods prepared from raw milk may be contaminated with dangerous bacteria capable of causing severe illness. Contact your local health agency for advice or to report a suspected illness."(6) The PERMIT HOLDER and PERSON IN CHARGE shall ensure that required information contained on FOOD labels is in the English language, except that duplicate labeling in other languages is allowed.Wash. Admin. Code § 246-215-03610
Amended by WSR 21-01-122, Filed 12/15/2020, effective 1/15/2021Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20.050 and 43.20.145. 13-03-109, § 246-215-03610, filed 1/17/13, effective 5/1/13.