As provided in RCW 77.12.020 and in addition to those species identified in RCW 77.08.020 the following species of the class Osteichthyes are classified as game fish:
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Salvelinus confluentus | Bull Trout |
Catostomus columbianus | Bridgelip Sucker |
Catostomus macrocheilus | Largescale Sucker |
Catostomus catostomus | Longnose Sucker |
Catostomus platyrhynchus | Mountain Sucker |
Ctenopharyngodon idella | Grass Carp |
Hybrids involving genus Esox | Tiger Muskellunge |
Meilocheilus caurinus | Peamouth Chub |
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | Chinook salmon |
Oncorhynchus kisutch | Coho salmon |
Pylodictus olivaris | Flathead Catfish |
Ptychocheilus oregonensis | Northern Pikeminnow |
Salmo trutta and Salvelinus fontinalis hybrid | Tiger Trout |
Northern pikeminnow lawfully taken may be offered for sale, sold, purchased, or traded.
Wash. Admin. Code § 220-300-380