If: IEcologyOC> × 1.05
Then: OR = IEcologyOC - ROPDR
Eq. 580-1
"OR" is the amount of overstated GHG emission reductions and GHG removal enhancements for the applicable offset project data report, rounded to the nearest whole ton; "IEcologyOC" is the number of ecology offset credits issued under the applicable offset project data report; "ROPDR" is the number of GHG emissions reductions and GHG removal enhancements determined by ecology for the applicable offset project data report; |
"OR" is the number of overstated GHG emission reductions and GHG removal enhancements for the applicable offset project data report; "IEcologyOC" is the number of ecology offset credits issued under the applicable offset project data report; "TOTHolding" is the total number of ecology offset credits currently being held in a compliance and/or holding account by each party identified under subsection (5)(a) of this section for the applicable offset project data report; and "HEcology" is the total number of ecology offset credits, rounded to the nearest whole ton, that will be removed from the holding and/or compliance account of each party identified under subsection (5)(a) of this section. |
REcologyOC = (TOTRetired/IEcologyOC) * OR Eq. 580-3
"REcologyOC" is the calculated total number of retired ecology offset credits for the applicable offset project data report, rounded to the nearest whole ton, that must be replaced by each individual party identified under subsection (5)(b) of this section; "TOTRetired" is the total number of ecology offset credits from the applicable offset project data report ecology transferred into the retirement account; "IEcologyOC" is the number of ecology offset credits issued under the applicable offset project data report; and "OR" is the number of metric tons of overstated GHG emission reductions and GHG removal enhancements calculated for the applicable offset project data report. |
Wash. Admin. Code § 173-446-580