9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-875-590

Current through Register Vol. 41, No. 10, December 30, 2024
Section 9VAC25-875-590 - [Effective until 7/1/2025] Water quality compliance
A. Compliance with the water quality design criteria set out in subdivisions A 1 and A 2 of 9VAC25-875-580 shall be determined by utilizing the Virginia Runoff Reduction Method or another equivalent methodology that is approved by the department.
B. The BMPs listed in this subsection are approved for use as necessary to effectively reduce the phosphorus load and runoff volume in accordance with the Virginia Runoff Reduction Method. Other approved BMPs found through the Virginia Stormwater BMP Clearinghouse may also be utilized. Design specifications and the pollutant removal efficiencies for all approved BMPs are found through the Virginia Stormwater BMP Clearinghouse.
1. Vegetated Roof (Version 2.3, March 1, 2011);
2. Rooftop Disconnection (Version 1.9, March 1, 2011);
3. Rainwater Harvesting (Version 1.9.5, March 1, 2011);
4. Soil Amendments (Version 1.8, March 1, 2011);
5. Permeable Pavement (Version 1.8, March 1, 2011);
6. Grass Channel (Version 1.9, March 1, 2011);
7. Bioretention (Version 1.9, March 1, 2011);
8. Infiltration (Version 1.9, March 1, 2011);
9. Dry Swale (Version 1.9, March 1, 2011);
10. Wet Swale (Version 1.9, March 1, 2011);
11. Sheet Flow to Filter/Open Space (Version 1.9, March 1, 2011);
12. Extended Detention Pond (Version 1.9, March 1, 2011);
13. Filtering Practice (Version 1.8, March 1, 2011);
14. Constructed Wetland (Version 1.9, March 1, 2011); and
15. Wet Pond (Version 1.9, March 1, 2011).
C. Nonproprietary BMPs differing from those listed in subsection B of this section shall be reviewed and approved by the director in accordance with procedures established by the department.
D. Proprietary BMPs listed through the Virginia Stormwater BMP Clearinghouse are approved for use in accordance with the Virginia Runoff Reduction Method. Any proprietary BMP approved for use after July 1, 2020, must meet the requirements of § 62.1-44.15:28A 9 of the Code of Virginia.
E. A VESMP authority may establish limitations on the use of specific BMPs in accordance with § 62.1-44.15:33 of the Code of Virginia.
F. The VESMP authority or department as the VSMP authority shall have the discretion to allow for application of the design criteria to each drainage area of the site. However, where a site drains to more than one HUC, the pollutant load reduction requirements shall be applied independently within each HUC unless reductions are achieved in accordance with a comprehensive watershed stormwater management plan in accordance with 9VAC25-875-660.
G. Offsite alternatives where allowed in accordance with 9VAC25-875-610 may be utilized to meet the design criteria of subsection A of 9VAC25-875-580.
H. Any publicly owned treatment works that is permitted under the watershed general VPDES permit pursuant to § 62.1-44.19:14 of the Code of Virginia and is constructing or expanding the treatment works, wastewater collection system, or other facility used for public wastewater utility operations may, in accordance with § 62.1-44.19:21.2C of the Code of Virginia, permanently retire a portion of the publicly owned treatment works' wasteload allocation to meet the design criteria of subsection A of 9VAC25-875-580. Notice shall be given by such applicant to the VESMP authority and to the department.

9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-875-590

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 40, Issue 8, eff. 7/1/2024.

Statutory Authority: § 62.1-44.15:28 of the Code of Virginia; Chapters 68 and 758 of the 2016 Acts of Assembly.