9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-210-340

Current through Register Vol. 41, No. 10, December 30, 2024
Section 9VAC25-210-340 - Application requirements for surface water withdrawals
A. Persons proposing to initiate a new or expanded surface water withdrawal not excluded from requirements of this chapter by 9VAC25-210-310, proposing to reapply for a current permitted withdrawal, or a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license or relicense associated with a surface water withdrawal, shall apply for a VWP permit.
B. In addition to informational requirements of 9VAC25-210-80 B and if applicable, 9VAC25-210-80 C, applications for surface water withdrawals or a FERC license or relicense associated with a surface water withdrawal shall include:
1. As part of identifying the project purpose, a narrative describing the water supply issues that form the basis of the proposed project purpose.
2. The drainage area, the average annual flow and the median monthly flows at the withdrawal point, and historical low flows, if available.
3. The average daily withdrawal; the maximum daily, monthly, annual, and instantaneous withdrawals; and information on the variability of the demand by season. If the project has multiple intake structures, provide for each individual intake structure and the cumulative volumes for the entire surface water withdrawal system.
4. The monthly consumptive use volume in million gallons and the average daily return flow in million gallons per day of the proposed project and the location of the return flow, including the latitude and longitude and the drainage area in square miles at the discharge point.
5. Information on flow dependent beneficial uses along the affected stream reach. For projects that propose a transfer of water resources from a major river basin to another major river basin, this analysis should include both the source and receiving basins.
a. Evaluation of the flow dependent instream and offstream beneficial uses. Instream beneficial uses include, but are not limited to, the protection of fish and wildlife habitat, maintenance of waste assimilation, recreation, navigation, and cultural and aesthetic values. Offstream beneficial uses include, but are not limited to, domestic (including public water supply), agricultural, electric power generation, and commercial and industrial uses.
b. The aquatic life, including species and habitat requirements.
c. How the proposed withdrawal will alter flows.
6. Information on the proposed use of and need for the surface water and information on how demand for surface water was determined (e.g., per capita use, population growth rates, new uses, changes to service areas, and if applicable, acreage irrigated and evapotranspiration effects). If during the water supply planning process, the need for the withdrawal was established, the applicant may submit the planning process information, provided that the submittal addresses all requirements of 9VAC25-210-360. The department shall deem such a submittal as meeting the requirements of this subsection. For surface water withdrawals for public water supply, see also 9VAC25-780-100 and 9VAC25-780-130.
7. Information describing the intake structure, to include intake screen mesh size and intake velocity.
8. For withdrawals proposed from an impoundment, the following:
a. Description of the flow or release control structures, including the minimum rate of flow, in cubic feet per second, size and capacity of the structure, and the mechanism to control the release.
b. Surface area in acres, maximum depth in feet, normal pool elevation, total storage capacity, and unusable storage volume in acre-feet.
c. The stage-storage relationship. For example, the volume of water in the impoundment at varying stages of water depth.
9. Whether the proposed surface water withdrawal is addressed in the water supply plan that covers the area in which the withdrawal is proposed to be located. If the proposed withdrawal is included, provide a discussion as to how the proposed withdrawal is addressed in the water supply plan, specifically in terms of projected demand, analysis of alternatives, and water conservation measures. If all or a portion of the withdrawn water will be transferred to an area not covered by the plan, the discussion shall also include the water supply plan for the area of the receiving watershed.
10. An alternatives analysis for the proposed surface water withdrawal, including at a minimum, the criteria in 9VAC25-210-360.
11. For new or expanded surface water withdrawals proposing to withdraw 90 million gallons a month or greater, a summary of the steps taken to seek public input as required by 9VAC25-210-320 and an identification of the issues raised during the course of the public information meeting process.
12. For new or expanded surface water withdrawals that involve a transfer of water between major river basins that may impact a river basin in another state, a plan describing procedures to notify potentially affected persons, both in and outside of Virginia, of the proposed project.
13. For surface water withdrawals, other than for public water supply, information to demonstrate that alternate sources of water supply are available to support the operation of the facility during times of reduced instream flow.
C. Applications for an Emergency Virginia Water Protection Permit.
1. Applications for an Emergency Virginia Water Protection Permit to address a public water supply emergency shall include the information noted in subdivisions 1 a through 1 o of this subsection. The JPA may be used for emergency application purposes, provided that all of the information in subdivisions 1 a through 1 o of this subsection is included:
a. The applicant's legal name, mailing address, telephone number, and if applicable, fax number and electronic mail address;
b. If different from applicant, name, mailing address, telephone number, and if applicable, fax number and electronic mail address of property owner;
c. If applicable, authorized agent's name, mailing address, telephone number, and if applicable, fax number and electronic mail address;
d. Name of water body or water bodies, or receiving waters, as applicable;
e. Name of the city or county where the project occurs;
f. Signed and dated signature page (electronic submittals containing the original signature page, such as that contained in a scanned document file are acceptable);
g. Permit application fee in accordance with 9VAC25-20;
h. The drainage area, the average annual flow and the median monthly flows at the withdrawal point, and historical low flows, if available;
i. Information on the aquatic life along the affected stream reach, including species and habitat requirements;
j. Recent and current water use including monthly water use in the previous calendar year and weekly water use in the previous six months prior to the application. The application shall identify the sources of such water and also identify any water purchased from other water suppliers;
k. A description of the severity of the public water supply emergency, including (i) for reservoirs, an estimate of days of remaining supply at current rates of use and replenishment; (ii) for wells, current production; and (iii) for intakes, current streamflow;
l. A description of mandatory water conservation measures taken or imposed by the applicant and the dates when the measures were implemented; for the purposes of obtaining an Emergency Virginia Water Protection Permit, mandatory water conservation measures shall include, but not be limited to, the prohibition of lawn and landscape watering, vehicle washing, watering of recreation fields, refilling of swimming pools, and washing of paved surfaces;
m. An estimate of water savings realized by implementing mandatory water conservation measures;
n. Documentation that the applicant has exhausted all management actions that would minimize the threat to public welfare, safety, and health and will avoid the need to obtain an emergency permit, and that are consistent with existing permit limitations; and
o. Any other information that demonstrates that the condition is a substantial threat to public health or safety.
2. Within 14 days after the issuance of an Emergency Virginia Water Protection Permit, the permit holder shall apply for a VWP permit under the other provisions of this chapter.

9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-210-340

Derived From Virginia Register Volume 32, Issue 21, eff. 8/2/2016; Amended, Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 4, eff. 11/9/2022.

Statutory Authority: § 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia; § 401 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1251 et seq.).