Chapter 100 - DEFINITIONS
- Section 9VAC15-100-10 - Definitions
- Section 9VAC15-100-20 - Applicability
- Section 9VAC15-100-30 - Application for permit by rule for small energy storage facilities with a disturbance zone greater than 10 acres
- Section 9VAC15-100-40 - Analysis of the beneficial and adverse impacts on natural resources
- Section 9VAC15-100-50 - Determination of likely significant adverse impacts for applications
- Section 9VAC15-100-60 - Mitigation plan
- Section 9VAC15-100-70 - Site plan and context map requirements
- Section 9VAC15-100-80 - Small energy storage facility design standards and operational plans
- Section 9VAC15-100-90 - Public participation
- Section 9VAC15-100-100 - Permit by rule change of ownership, project modifications, reporting, and permit termination
- Section 9VAC15-100-110 - Fees
- Section 9VAC15-100-120 - Hybrid projects
- Section 9VAC15-100-130 - Small energy storage facilities with a disturbance zone less than or equal to 10 acres or meeting certain categorical criteria