23 Va. Admin. Code § 10-55-40
"Handler" means any person, firm, corporation or any other business entity that is a processor, dealer, shipper, country buyer, exporter that handles corn produced in Virginia, or farmer who sells his corn out of state or to anyone other than a "handler."
Example 1: Farmer A grows corn in Virginia and sells the harvested crop for processing to Processor B located in North Carolina. Farmer A is the "handler" and responsible for remitting the Virginia Corn Excise Tax to the Virginia Department of Taxation.
Example 2: Farmer E grows corn in Virginia and sells the harvested corn for processing to Processor F located in Virginia. Processor F is the "handler" and is responsible for collecting from the farmer and remitting the Virginia Corn Excise Tax to the Virginia Department of Taxation.
Example 3: Farmer G grows corn in Virginia and sells the harvested crop for seed to Farmer H. Farmer G is the "handler" and is responsible for remitting the Virginia Corn Excise Tax to the Virginia Department of Taxation.
23 Va. Admin. Code § 10-55-40
Statutory Authority: § 58.1-203 of the Code of Virginia.