23 Va. Admin. Code § 10-210-3010
"Administrative supplies" mean, but are not limited to, letterhead, envelopes and other stationery, invoices, billing forms, payroll forms, price lists, time cards, computer cards, certificates, business cards, diplomas and awards. The term also includes supplies for internal use by the purchaser, such as menus, calendars, datebooks, desk reminders, appointment books, employee newsletters, and other house organs.
"Consumer printing" means the production or fabrication of printed matter for one's own use or consumption and not for resale.
"Custom printing" means the production or fabrication of printed matter in accordance with a customer's order of copy for the customer's use or consumption.
"Publisher printing" means the printing of books, newspapers, magazines or other periodicals for sale or resale by the publisher-printer and includes the printing of a "publication" as defined in 23VAC10-210-1060 which is distributed free of charge.
Sales and purchases. Unless otherwise noted, the sale of custom printing represents a taxable sale of tangible personal property. The tax is computed on the total invoice charge made on the transaction. The total invoice charge includes the charge made for any engraved, lithoplated, or other type photoprocessed plate, die, or mat involved in the printing and includes the charge made for printing and imprinting when the customer furnishes the printing stock. The printer must add the amount of the tax to the invoice charge.
Purchases by the printer of items which become part of the printed matter for sale or resale are not subject to the tax. Examples of such property include ink, printing stock, staples, stapling wire, binding twine, and glue. Purchases by the printer of items used directly in the production of tangible personal property for sale or resale are similarly not subject to the tax. Examples of such items include engraved, photoprocessed, lithoplated, or any other type of plate, die or mat, machinery and tools and their replacement parts, blotting papers, drying papers, and typesetting.
Sales and purchases. A publisher-printer making retail sales of books, etc., must add the tax to the charge. He must register as a dealer and collect and pay the tax. But the sale of any publication issued daily, or regularly at average intervals not exceeding three months is exempt from the tax, except as to the newsstand sales thereof (see 23VAC10-210-1060).
The tax applies to purchases by publisher-printers in the same manner as that set forth in subsection C relating to custom printing. The manufacturing exemption set forth in 23VAC10-210-920 applies to the necessary ancillary activities of newspaper and magazine printing when such activities are performed by the publisher of any newspaper or magazine defined as a publication under 23VAC10-210-1060.
For a more detailed description of the statutory exemption for catalogs and other printed advertising materials, including a description of the materials qualifying for exemption, see regulation 23VAC10-210-260.
Administrative supplies as defined in subsection A of this section, are subject to the tax when sold at retail. The only administrative supplies that are not taxable are those that become an integral part of the exempt printed materials described above and in subsection G of this section. For example, letterhead upon which fundraising or promotional letters are printed, return envelopes enclosed with fundraising letters, and price lists enclosed within catalogs advertising tangible personal property for sale or resale are not taxable.
When stored in Virginia for 12 months or less and mailed to or distributed outside of Virginia, the following printed materials are exempt from the tax:
Fund raising and promotional letters, circulars, folders, brochures, and pamphlets, including those for charitable, political, and religious purposes;
Corporate stockholder meeting notices;
Proxy materials and enclosed proxy cards;
Meeting and convention promotional materials;
A business prospectus;
Corporate monthly, quarterly, and annual stockholder reports;
Announcements, invitations, and informational pieces for external promotional purposes;
Greeting cards, brochures, menus, calendars, datebooks, desk reminders, appointment books, art prints, and posters for external promotional purposes; and
Printed point-of-purchase sales devices, including display racks, animated and action pieces, posters and banners.
The foregoing list is merely illustrative of exempt printed items and is not designed to be all inclusive.
For publications, see 23VAC10-210-1060; for manufacturers, see 23VAC10-210-1060; for typesetting, see 23VAC10-210-6020.
23 Va. Admin. Code § 10-210-3010
Statutory Authority
§§ 58.1-203, 58.1-609.3(2)(v), and 58.1-609.6(4) of the Code of Virginia.