22 Va. Admin. Code § 45-30-50
No goods or articles made in this Commonwealth or elsewhere may be displayed, advertised, offered for sale, or sold in this Commonwealth upon the representation that they are made by persons who are blind unless such goods or articles are identified as such by a label or symbol prescribed or approved by the Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (department). The "Skilcraft" trademark registered by National Industries for the Blind is acceptable by the department as an approved identification.
All such goods shall be so labeled as to disclose the name of the manufacturer and the place of manufacture. Agencies manufacturing "Skilcraft" products approved by National Industries for the Blind may use the "shop identification code number" assigned by National Industries for the Blind in lieu of the name and address of the manufacturer.
22 Va. Admin. Code § 45-30-50
Statutory Authority: § 51.5-65 of the Code of Virginia.