Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 12VAC5-421-2810 - Floors, walls, and ceilings - cleanability
- Section 12VAC5-421-2820 - Floors, walls, and ceilings, utility lines
- Section 12VAC5-421-2830 - Floor and wall junctures, coved, and enclosed or sealed
- Section 12VAC5-421-2840 - Floor carpeting, restrictions and installation
- Section 12VAC5-421-2850 - Floor covering, mats and duckboards
- Section 12VAC5-421-2860 - Wall and ceiling coverings and coatings
- Section 12VAC5-421-2870 - Walls and ceilings, attachments
- Section 12VAC5-421-2880 - Walls and ceilings, studs, joists, and rafters
- Section 12VAC5-421-2890 - Light bulbs, protective shielding
- Section 12VAC5-421-2900 - Heating, ventilating, air conditioning system vents
- Section 12VAC5-421-2910 - Insect control devices, design and installation
- Section 12VAC5-421-2920 - Toilet rooms, enclosed
- Section 12VAC5-421-2930 - Outer openings, protected
- Section 12VAC5-421-2940 - Exterior walls and roofs, protective barrier
- Section 12VAC5-421-2950 - Outdoor food vending areas, overhead protection
- Section 12VAC5-421-2960 - Outdoor servicing areas, overhead protection
- Section 12VAC5-421-2970 - Outdoor walking and driving surfaces, graded to drain
- Section 12VAC5-421-2980 - Outdoor refuse areas, curbed and graded to drain
- Section 12VAC5-421-2990 - Private homes and living or sleeping quarters, use prohibition
- Section 12VAC5-421-3000 - Living or sleeping quarters, separation
- Section 12VAC5-421-3010 - [Repealed]