11 Va. Admin. Code § 10-180-10
The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Bleeder" means a horse that has been diagnosed as suffering from exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage based on external or endoscopic examination by a commission veterinarian or a practicing veterinarian who is a permit holder in the Commonwealth of Virginia or any other jurisdiction.
"Bleeder list" means a tabulation of all bleeders to be maintained by the stewards.
"Commission" means the Virginia Racing Commission.
"Controlled substance" means a drug, substance, or immediate precursor in Schedules I through VI of the Virginia Drug Control Act (§ 54.1-3400 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) or any substance included in the five classification schedules of the federal Uniform Controlled Substances Act ( 21 USC § 301 et seq.).
"Furosemide list" means a tabulation of horses permitted to use the medication of furosemide on race day by declaration to the stewards, in addition to horses on the bleeder list.
"Injectable substance" means a liquid or solid substance that may require the addition of a liquid via a needle and syringe to change the substance from a solid into a liquid, contained in a vial that can be accessed and administered only via a needle and syringe.
"Licensed veterinarian" means a veterinarian who holds a valid license to practice veterinary medicine and surgery under the applicable laws of the jurisdiction in which such person's practice is principally conducted.
"Milkshaking" or "bicarbonate loading" means administering a bicarbonate or other alkalinizing substance to a horse that elevates the horse's total carbon dioxide level or pH level above those existing naturally in the untreated horse at normal physiological concentrations as determined by the commission, regardless of the means of administration.
"Permitted race day substances" means only substances approved by the commission that are (i) administered solely for the benefit and welfare of the horse, (ii) nonperformance altering, (iii) of no danger to riders or drivers, and (iv) unlikely to interfere with the detection of prohibited substances.
"Prescription substance" means any substance that is administered or dispensed or labeled for use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian for the purpose of medical treatment of an animal patient when a bona fide doctor-patient relationship has been established.
"Primary laboratory" means a facility accredited by the Racing Medication and Testing Consortium and designated by the commission for the testing of test samples.
"Prohibited substance" means any drug, medication, or chemical foreign to the natural horse, whether natural or synthetic, or a metabolite or analog thereof, the use of which is not expressly permitted by the regulations of the commission.
"Race day" means the 24-hour period before post time for the race in which the horse is entered to start.
"Reference laboratory" means a facility accredited by the Racing Medication and Testing Consortium and designated by the commission for the testing of split samples.
"Ship-in meet" means a limited meet, generally one, two, or three consecutive days of racing, to which the preponderance of horses ship in to race, leave after racing, and do not remain for daily training.
"Substance" means any drug, medication, or chemical foreign to the natural horse or human being, whether natural or synthetic, or a metabolite or analog thereof.
"Test sample" means any sample of blood, urine, saliva, or tissue obtained from a horse or person for the purpose of laboratory testing for the presence of substances.
"Tubing" means the administration to a horse of any substance via a naso-gastric tube.
11 Va. Admin. Code § 10-180-10
Statutory Authority: § 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.