Chapter 100 - HORSES
- Section 11VAC10-100-10 - Generally
- Section 11VAC10-100-20 - Registration requirements
- Section 11VAC10-100-30 - Lip tattoo requirements
- Section 11VAC10-100-40 - Names of horses
- Section 11VAC10-100-50 - Ringers
- Section 11VAC10-100-60 - Concealed identity or ownership
- Section 11VAC10-100-70 - Nerved horses
- Section 11VAC10-100-80 - Certificate of veterinary inspection
- Section 11VAC10-100-90 - Vision
- Section 11VAC10-100-100 - Published workouts for Thoroughbreds
- Section 11VAC10-100-110 - Repealed
- Section 11VAC10-100-120 - Official publication statistics
- Section 11VAC10-100-130 - Valuation of purse money
- Section 11VAC10-100-140 - Repealed
- Section 11VAC10-100-150 - Stewards' List
- Section 11VAC10-100-151 - Veterinarian's List
- Section 11VAC10-100-152 - Starter's List
- Section 11VAC10-100-160 - Filly or mare bred
- Section 11VAC10-100-170 - Equipment
- Section 11VAC10-100-180 - Sex alteration
- Section 11VAC10-100-190 - Racing soundness examination
- Section 11VAC10-100-200 - Post-mortem examination
- Section 11VAC10-100-210 - Walkover
- Section 11VAC10-100-220 - Dead heat
- Section 11VAC10-100-230 - Carrying assigned weight
- Section 11VAC10-100-240 - Injured horse