30-049 Code Vt. R. 30-000-049-X

Current through August, 2024
Section 30 000 049 - 7.100-CONTINUOUS EMERGENCY ACCESS (CEA)
Section 7.101 Definitions

For purposes of this rule, the following definitions apply:

(A) ALI - Automatic Location Identification: The system capability to identify automatically the service address of the telephone being used by the caller and to provide a display of that location information at any public safety answering point.
(B) Board - Vermont Public Service Board.
(C) CEA - Continuous Emergency Access: The provision at the customer's network interface of continuous access to emergency law enforcement, fire and emergency medical services via 911. CEA does not include provision of any customer premises equipment or any services on the customer's side of the network interface device.
(D) CEA Provider - The service provider responsible for fulfilling the CEA obligations under these rules.
(E) Department - Vermont Department of Public Service.
(F) Primary Residential Line - An access line carrying a residential local exchange class of service under applicable tariffs to a residential dwelling. When a residential dwelling is served by more than one line providing a residential local exchange class of service, the line that had residential service established earliest is the primary residential line.
Section 7.102 Duty to Provide CEA
(A) Lines Supported. Each CEA Provider shall provide CEA continuously on each primary residential line where telephone service has been installed.
(B) The duty to provide CEA under these rules applies to the local exchange carrier that owns the local loop facilities which most recently provided local service to the premise.
(1) However, where a carrier provides local service through purchase of wholesale services, such as unbundled network elements or resale services, the carrier actually providing retail local exchange service to the customer immediately prior to the disconnection is responsible for providing CEA, regardless of the ownership of the facilities used to provide CEA.
(C) CEA shall not be removed from any line unless replaced by another service or capability providing access to the same calling capabilities as CEA, or through discontinuance of CEA as authorized below.
Section 7.103 Emergency Calling Requirements
(A) Every CEA Provider shall deploy CEA simultaneously with disconnection, so that access to enhanced 911 emergency service is continuous.
(B) Each CEA Provider shall provide ALI information to the enhanced 911 system.
Section 7.104 Customer Notice
(A) Notice. Each local exchange carrier shall inform its customers that all primary residential lines are entitled to continuous access to enhanced 911, even after regular service has been terminated. Such notice shall be provided in each of the following circumstances:
(1) At least annually, in writing, to all customers by way of telephone directories, bill inserts or through other similar methods.
(2) Either orally or in writing to any customer when the customer requests or gives permission for disconnection.
(3) Either orally or in writing to any customer who is disconnected involuntarily. The notice must be provided not more than 20 days before the involuntary disconnection, and it may be combined with a notice of disconnection for non-payment.
(B) Recorded Oral Notice. Each CEA Provider shall provide a recorded oral announcement on each CEA line. The announcement shall notify customers attempting to place an outgoing call that they can reach emergency services by dialing 911.
Section 7.105 Service Quality
(A) Any oral notice required by this Rule shall be clear and shall have equal audio volume and sound quality as other audio notices used by the provider.
(B) Voice conversation over the CEA connection shall be clear and shall have equal audio volume and sound quality as regular voice service.
(C) The service quality for voice conversation over the CEA connection shall be at least equal to that of regular voice service. Connect time for the CEA connection shall not be greater than regular service.
Section 7.106 Discontinuance of CEA
(A) Temporary Discontinuance.
(1) CEA may be temporarily discontinued at a location if the CEA Provider's facilities are insufficient to provide restoration or initiation of service to another business or residential location. Where more than one CEA connection can provide the necessary relief, CEA that can be restored most quickly shall be the one to be temporarily discontinued. The CEA Provider shall ensure that no reasonably available technical alternative exists prior to use of discontinued CEA facilities.
(2) Whenever CEA is temporarily discontinued, it shall be restored as soon as possible, but in any event, within 180 days of discontinuation. The Board may grant an extension of time for the restoration of CEA on the basis of costs or other conditions which may delay the completion of restoration.
(3) The CEA Provider shall notify the occupant in writing at the service address that the CEA is being temporarily discontinued no later than the date of temporary discontinuance. The CEA Provider shall provide a toll-free telephone number and an address by which the occupant can contact the carrier to seek further information or assistance. If the occupant provides a physician's certificate as defined in Board Rule 3. 301(D), the CEA Provider shall restore CEA as soon as possible.
(B) Permanent Discontinuance.
(1) A CEA Provider may permanently discontinue CEA under any of the following circumstances:
(a) The structure provided with CEA is vacant and is scheduled to be demolished.
(b) A multi-line premise is converted to a single-line premise or to a multi-line premise with fewer lines, and the remaining line(s) are in service. For this purpose, the discontinuation of service on one or more lines to a multi-line premise shall not in itself be sufficient to establish that a multi-line premise is being converted to a single-line premise.
(c) The CEA Provider reasonably determines and documents in writing that other conditions exist such that service will not likely be reinstated to the structure.
(d) The CEA Provider detects fraudulent use of the line.
(e) Primary residential dial tone is being provided by another local exchange carrier.
(f) Six months following when a customer requests or gives permission for disconnection of local telephone service.
Section 7.107 Transitional Provisions
(A) This Rule applies to all primary residential lines that are disconnected after the effective date of this Rule.
(B) Within thirty days after the effective date of this Rule, all companies subject to its provisions shall submit to the Board and the Department a copy of the written notices and the script for the oral notices and recorded oral notice described in section 7.104.

30-049 Code Vt. R. 30-000-049-X

Effective Date: March 15, 2002 (Secretary of State Rule Log # 02-10)

Statutory Authority: 30 V.S.A. C. 5 § 209