These rules set forth the procedures for filing an application and the criteria to be used in designating areas for waterskiing and other similar activity within 200 feet of a shoreline. These rules implement the exception contained in 23 V.S.A. Section 3315(d) which allows this activity within 200 feet of a shoreline only in designated areas.
These rules apply to all areas within 200 feet of a shoreline whether the activity is seasonal or intended for a single event. Permits shall not be granted for courses on rivers or when prohibited by regulations of the Water Resources Board.
Section Three Definitions
Waterskiing: For the purpose of this rule, "waterskiing" shall be defined as "the operation of a motorboat on any waters of this state for the purpose of towing a person or persons on water-skis, aquaplane, kite-skis, surfboard, or similar device."
- Applicant address and phone number.
- Agent address and phone number.
- Date of proposed installation or beginning of the activity.
- Length of season, days and hours during which the designated area will be used.
- Number of seasons for which the permit is desired.
- A detailed description of the designated area.
The application shall also contain the following information, for the course or designated area as well as the adjacent area within five hundred (500) feet of the outside perimeter of the course or designated area:
The notification shall include a specified comment period which shall be a minimum of twenty (20) days. The notice shall also explain the criteria contained in Section 5.4 for holding a public information meeting.
28-001 Code Vt. R. 28-000-001-X