To ensure that school construction projects using a construction management approach are bid through a fair and open process.
"Construction manager" means, for the purpose of these rules, a person or entity providing some or all of the following services for a fee to a school board throughout a school construction process:
"Construction management" means, for the purposes of these rules, the services provided by a construction manager.
Contracts for construction management, except as provided in rule 6441, are not subject to the terms of 16 V.S.A. § 559. However, nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit a school board from placing a contract for construction management out to bid.
When the school board wishes to offer a contract for construction management where the construction manager also serves as the constructor, a school board shall comply with the pre-qualification and bidding procedures contained in 16 V.S.A. § 559. For the purpose of these rules a "constructor" means a person or entity which assumes a contractual obligation in exchange for a guaranteed price for the labor and materials for a school construction project.
Construction management contracts subject to Rule 6441 above, shall meet the pre-qualification requirements of Rules 6340.
Upon completion of the prequalification process pursuant to Rule 6340, the school board shall submit to the prequalified construction managers a request for proposals that requests the following information:
Nothing herein shall prohibit a school board from requesting proposals that include a percentage fee.
The school board shall adhere to the requirements of 16 V.S.A. § 559 when awarding a contract pursuant to Rule 6441 to a construction manager.
Opening and evaluation of all bids for construction management, shall be conducted at a warned school board meeting.
Where a school board has contracted with a construction manager, the board remains responsible for public bidding pursuant to 16 V.S.A., § 559 for all purchases or contracts exceeding $ 10,000 for school building construction, improvements, materials, supplies, and equipment. All bids shall be opened and reviewed at a warned school board meeting.
If the cumulative result of the bidding process for the total scope of the project plus general conditions, and fixed fees is less than the GMP, 100% of the savings will be returned to the local school board. If when bids are received and the project cost exceeds the GMP, the school board may:
22-024 Code Vt. R. 22-000-024-X
AMENDED: November 10, 2000 (Secretary of State Rule Log #00-63)
Statutory Authority: 16 VSA 559(d)