The state Board of Education firmly believes that the school districts of Vermont should be organized so as to provide the maximum educational opportunities for pupils in grades K-12 or 1-12 consistent with administrative and financial effectiveness and efficiency.
16 VSA § 261; 16 VSA § 262; 16 VSA §§ 263-266; 16 VSA § 267; 16 VSA § 301-303; 16 VSA §§ 321-325.
School districts involved in a supervisory union adjustment must agree to the following:
Supervisory unions shall be organized to the extent practicable to offer a comprehensive program of instruction in kindergarten or grade one through twelve which meet the needs of children. Factors to be considered in the needs assessment shall include the educational programs and services to meet the needs of regular and exceptional children and support services and programs. Needs assessments shall be conducted according to procedures developed by the Department of Education.
The chair of a supervisory union/district board shall notify the Commissioner of Education as soon as the board becomes aware of an impending vacancy in the superintendency of the supervisory union/district.
Within two calendar weeks of notification by the supervisory union/district board chair the Commissioner shall advise the chair that either of the following applies:
Accounting systems will meet governmental generally accepted accounting principles for state and local governments and will follow, at a minimum, the code structure contained in the Handbook for Financial Accounting of Vermont School Systems: Financial Code Classification system. ( 16 VSA 164(15) )
To receive grant federal or state funds, entities must:
Each supervisory union shall employ or contract with a persons qualified by education and/or experience to maintain the accounting system on a double entry, accrual, or modified accrual basis in accordance with governmental generally accepted accounting principles. ( 16 VSA 261a(7) )
Australian ballot budget articles pursuant to 16 V.S.A. §§ 428(a), 511(a) and 711a(a) shall substantially conform to the following:
"Shall the voters of the ___ (town) (incorporated) (union) school district appropriate $ ___ necessary for the support of its schools for the year beginning July 1, ___?" 16 V.S.A. §§ 261-267, 301-303, 321-325, 428(f) and 511(f)
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AMENDED: September 1989; July 15, 1998 (Secretary of State Rule Log # 98-49); January 25, 2006 (Secretary of State Rule Log # 06-002)