Individuals with Disabilities - means individuals with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities, a record of such an impairment, or being regarded as having an impairment.
Individuals from economically disadvantaged families, including foster children - means individuals who are in families that are determined to be low-income according to the latest available data from the Department of Commerce.
Individual preparing for non-traditional training and employment - means individuals enrolled in programs that lead to occupations in which one gender constitutes less than 25% of their workforce and are declared "Non-traditional" by the Crosswalk of 1998 Nontraditional Occupations with Classification of Instructional Program Codes.
Single parents - means individuals who are single heads of households that include children who are minors and unmarried pregnant women.
Displaced homemakers - means individuals who are re-entering the workforce after being a full-time parent.
Educationally Disadvantaged Individuals - means individuals who are dropouts or potential dropouts, individuals who are migrants, individuals who score below the 25th percentile on a standardized achievement or aptitude test, individuals whose secondary school grades are below 2.0 on a 4.0 scale, or who fails to attain minimum academic competencies. This definition does not include individuals with learning disabilities.
Individuals with Limited English Proficiency - means individuals whose native language is other than English and for whom English is a second language.
Technical education shall be provided state-wide through seventeen service regions. Each service region shall be served by a technical center(s) and/or comprehensive high school(s). Before a school operates a technical education program/s, it shall obtain the support of the regional board overseeing technical education in the region and approval from the state board. All technical education programs approved by the state board shall be accessible to all students within the region and the state as stipulated by these regulations.
The state board may designate a school site as a technical center when the proposed center:
. Agriculture & Natural Resources
. Construction
. Manufacturing
. Logistics, Transportation, and Distribution Services
. Information Technology Services
. Wholesale/Retail Sales and Services
. Financial Services
. Hospitality and Tourism
. Business and Administrative Services
. Health Services
. Human Services
. Arts and Communications
. Legal and Protective Services
. Scientific Research, Engineering, and Technical Services
. Education and Training Services
. Public Administration/Government Services,
Each technical center shall provide technical education and training programming that addresses the needs of adults and businesses in its region. Adult coordinators shall work closely with the regional workforce investment board and other organizations to identify the technical education and training needs of adults in the region. Courses and programs leading to industry credentials shall be developed and offered to address these regional needs.
Technical centers may offer customized training to meet the needs of area businesses. Fees for such services shall be used to defray the costs of administration, instruction and use of facilities.
Each technical center shall coordinate use of the center with the Vermont State Colleges, other state programs including licensing, job training, and apprenticeship programs, and with other approved institutions for the provision of postsecondary technical education programs and charge fees not exceeding actual costs of operating the programs. The offering of postsecondary programs shall not increase the costs of offering secondary technical education programs.
School districts and independent high schools shall be assigned to a technical education service region as follows:
* Students enrolled in UHSD # 27 may chose to go to Southeastern Vermont Career Education Center (Brattleboro), or River Valley Technical Center (Springfield).
A technical center shall be owned and governed by the school board for the high school district in which the technical center is located pursuant to 16 VSA § 1541 unless the region has received approval from the state board of education and the region's electorate to create a regional technical center school district for purposes of the governing and operating the center.
A region may create a regional technical center school district and a regional governance board to own, govern, and operate the center by following the procedures identified in 16 VSA § 1572-1576.
A board that operates a technical center shall:
When a technical center is governed by a high school board, it shall establish a regional advisory board. When the state board designates a service region for two or more comprehensive high schools, the boards of the high schools shall establish a joint regional advisory board. A regional advisory board shall include the membership required under 16 V.S.A. § 1542. The regional advisory board shall meet at least four times during the school year. The purposes of the meetings are to review technical education programs and services and make written recommendations to the board/s operating technical education programs concerning:
When a school board operating technical education programs rejects a written recommendation of a regional advisory board, or fails to adopt such a recommendation after 30 days, it shall notify the advisory board and the commissioner or designee in writing, stating its reason.
A regional advisory board, with the consent of the receiving district school board and the regional workforce investment board, may delegate its responsibilities to the regional workforce investment board. The receiving district school board may terminate this delegation by reconstituting the regional advisory board under the conditions set out in 16 VSA § 1542.
The regional board for a technical education region shall be the body that approves a technical center or high school to offer a career and technical education program in that region. In making that decision it shall consider the proposed programming under the following criteria:
School districts applying for state and/or federal assistance for technical education shall, in accordance with a schedule and on forms prescribed by the commissioner, submit an annual plan that describes their technical education programs and services. The plan shall include information and assurances that permit the commissioner to judge whether the technical education programs:
A school district receiving state and federal support for technical education shall annually update an action plan. The action plan shall:
A technical center receiving state and federal support for technical education shall annually issue a school report that identifies levels of student performance against school standards, accomplishments of the school, and the result of action plans. Comprehensive high schools shall provide this information on their technical education programming in their school report.
. Manufacturing and storing explosives
. Motor-vehicle driving and outside helper
. Coal mining
. Logging and sawmilling
. Power-driven woodworking machines
. Exposure to radioactive substances
. Power-driven hoisting apparatus
. Power-driven metal-forming punching and shearing machines
. Mining other than coal mining
. Slaughtering, or meatpacking, processing or rendering
. Power-driven bakery machines
. Manufacturing brick, tile, and kindred products
. Power-driven circular saws, band saws, and guillotine shears
. Wrecking, demolition, and ship-breaking operations
. Roofing operators
. Excavation operations
. Specific operations within agriculture
For students in the 9th and 10th grades for whom it has been determined by their high school that greater success can be experienced through intensive applied approaches to learning and career exploration and decision-making, technical centers and high schools may offer state-approved pre-tech exploratory programs that shall be eligible for technical education funding. These programs shall be designed to assist students in career exploration, including exploration of career areas non-traditional to their gender, and decision making. Such programs shall also include instruction in an applied setting of the language, mathematics, and science skills students shall need to enter technical education programs and to meet state and local graduation requirements.
A student who has been judged competent in 90% of the core competencies has completed the program successfully.
Students who successfully complete a technical education program shall satisfy state graduation requirements as set forth below:
Agricultural Mechanics | Auto Body Repair |
Automotive Technology | Aviation Technology |
Computer Technology Systems | Cosmetology |
Culinary Arts | Dairy Production |
Dental Assistant | Diesel Truck Mechanic/Operation |
Diversified Agriculture | Electrical/Electronics Operations |
Electrical/Plumbing Operations | Electronics |
Engineering Technology | Environmental and Natural |
Resources Technology | |
Equine Science and Technology | Forestry and Natural Resources |
Health Careers | Heavy Equipment |
Horticulture | Industrial Mechanics |
Protective Services | Video Production |
Bookkeeping, Accounting, Micro- | Building Trades |
computer Accounting | CADD Engineering/Design |
Graphic Arts | Hospitality, Travel Tourism |
Marketing Education | and Marketing |
Millwork/Cabinet Making | Precision Machining Trades |
Technical Connections | Welding and Metal Fabrications |
Design Illustration Performing Arts/Music Technology/ Jazz and Contemporary | Performing Arts |
Medical Records | Office Occupations |
Human Services | Pre-Law |
Each technical education program shall include work-based learning to expose students to the realities of the occupation for which they are preparing and the application of academic, workplace and occupational skills they are acquiring in programs.
Work-based learning may include:
Students whose enrollment will be counted for the funding of technical education are those students who attend a state-approved technical education program or a Pre-tech Exploratory program and who attend at least an average of 80 minutes a day each week. Students' minutes of attendance shall be reported and their FTE shall be calculated on the basis of 1 FTE equaling an average of 240 minutes of enrollment each day. No student shall be counted as enrolled in technical education as more than 1 FTE. Only the student's attendance in the technical education program's course of study shall be reported. Enrollments in other courses shall not be reported.
Students who are enrolled for at least an average of 40 minutes per day each week (at least 200 minutes per week) in a state-approved Pre-tech Foundational program may be reported and counted for technical education funding.
On October 15 for the first semester and on March 15 for the second semester of each school year, schools that provide state approved technical education programs and pre-tech programs shall record enrollments by program in a format provided by the commissioner. The records shall be submitted to the commissioner by November 15 for the first semeter and April 15 for the second semester or the first weekday thereafter if either falls on a weekend.
Costs that are shared by technical education programs and other education programs offered by a school district shall be allocated by calculating technical education's percentage of total costs by using the following methods unless the regional board for the center and the school board for the district with whom the costs are shared both agree to an alternate method:
. School board costs, fiscal services, superintendent's office, and other central office costs shall be allocated through the following formula:
direct program costs for technical center divided by
total of all direct program costs
. Staff development/instructional staff support costs shall be allocated through the following formula:
FTE teaching staff for technical center divided by
Total FTE teaching staff
. Building maintenance and operation costs shall be allocated through the following formula:
square feet of technical center divided by
total square feet
. Student support services shall be allocated through the following formula:
Student FTE for technical center divided by
Total student FTE
When an alternate method of sharing costs is adopted, the regional board and school board will notify the commissioner of the method being used in a notification signed by both board chairs that identifies the method and duration of the agreement.
The cost of any special education services provided to students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) may be charged to those students' sending schools by following the special education excess cost procedures set forth in Rule 2366.2. The following procedures apply:
. an amount that results from multiplying the number of full-time equivalent students times the projected equalized pupil general state support grant, and
. an amount that results from multiplying the number of full-time equivalent students times the projected state tuition reduction grant.
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Deficits and Surpluses in excess of 3% of net costs ( 16 V.S.A. § 834 )
If sending districts have paid tuition in excess of 3% of net costs for the prior year they shall be credited that amount toward their current year assessment in proportion to their contribution or, if they do not have an assessment sufficient to use the credit, the board of the receiving district shall refund that amount to the sending districts by July 31 of the current fiscal year. Interest shall begin to accrue on the refund on December 1, at the rate of one-half percent per month.
If the receiving district has under-assessed tuition by 3% or more of net costs, the sending districts shall pay the amount of the underassessment. If payment is not made by July 31 of the year following the year of the underassessment, interest shall be owed the sending district at the rate one half percent per month starting the next day, August 1.
School districts that are geographically remote from Vermont technical centers and that have received permission from the state board of education may send students to technical education programs outside of Vermont. In those cases, the school districts shall receive general state support grants for those students and will pay the full tuition charged by the schools to which the students are sent.
A secondary technical student may be enrolled in postsecondary technical courses or in a state-approved technical program offered by a postsecondary institution at the expense of the student's school district if the enrollment is accepted by the postsecondary institution, approved by the district of residence as being in the best interests of the student, and if the enrollment is approved for credit toward high school graduation requirements.
The commissioner shall fund technical education programs in accordance with statutes and these regulations. However, no funds under these rules shall be paid to a school unless its annual plan is approved by the Commissioner.
Prior to July 1, 2002, tuition assistance shall be paid on the full-time equivalent enrollments at a level determined by amount of the state appropriation.
Reimbursement shall be made at this level except:
When a school is disposing of equipment purchased with state or federal funds, it shall dispose of it in the following order of priority:
22-007 Code Vt. R. 22-000-007-X
AMENDED: August 15, 1994 (Secretary of State Rule Log # 94-61 and # 94-63)
January 7, 1997 (Secretary of State Rule Log # 96-87)
July 28, 2000 *Editor's correction only (page number corrections)
February 15, 2002 (Secretary of State Rule Log # 02-06)
Statutory Authority: 16 V.S.A. C. 37 § 1521 et seq.