REGULATION IH-2001-01 (Revised)
This regulation is promulgated pursuant to the authority granted by 10, 15, 3381, 3541 - 3543, 3688, 3858, 4062, 4108, 4113, 4201, 4362, 4373, 4464, 4480, 4481, 4515a, 4587, 4690, Chapter 129, 4812, 4836, 4902, 4990, 5104, 5111, 6015, 8005, 8014, and 8084, and 1972, Act No. 72 (Adj. Sess.), §1.
The examples in this regulation and the sample clauses in Appendix A are guidance concerning this regulation's application in ordinary circumstances but are not exclusive. The facts and circumstances of each individual situation will determine whether compliance with an example or use of a sample clause constitutes compliance with this regulation.
As used in this regulation, unless the context requires otherwise:
"Neither the U.S. brokers that handled this insurance nor the insurers that have underwritten this insurance will disclose nonpublic personal information concerning the buyer to nonaffiliates of the brokers or insurers except as permitted by law."
Option 1. A licensee may provide a generalized notice to its Vermont consumers that answers "no" to each of the questions about whether it shares information:
Option 2. A licensee may provide a generalized notice to consumers across a number of states, including Vermont, and answer "yes" to the questions in Option 1 above, provided it includes a discussion on the application of Vermont law in the "Other Important Information" box on page 2 of the Federal Model Privacy Form and complies with the requirements in subdivision (5) of this subsection 7 G.
Other Important Information For Vermont Members/Customers.
We will not disclose information about your creditworthiness to our affiliates and will not disclose your personal information, financial information, credit report, or health information to nonaffiliated third parties to market to you, other than as permitted by Vermont law, unless you authorize us to make those disclosures.
Additional information concerning our privacy policies can be found at [website link] or call [telephone number].
Such disclosure shall not be subject to the limitations of subdivision A(1)(c) of this section 14.
A request for authorization and an authorization form may be delivered to a consumer or a customer as part of an opt in notice pursuant to Section 10, provided that the request and the authorization form are clear and conspicuous. An authorization form is not required to be delivered to the consumer or customer unless the financial institution intends to disclose protected health information pursuant to Section 17 A.
Irrespective of whether a licensee is subject to the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act privacy rule as promulgated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 45 C.F.R. Parts 160 and 164, (the "federal rule"), if a licensee complies with all requirements of the federal rule and its effective date provision, the licensee shall be deemed to be in compliance with the provisions of this Article; provided, however, that a licensee shall be prohibited from making disclosures under the provisions of 45 C.F.R §164.514 without the consumer's prior written consent.
Nothing in this regulation shall preempt or supersede existing state law related to medical records, health or insurance information privacy.
In addition to any other sanctions available to the Commissioner under Vermont law for violations of this regulation, any violation of this regulation shall be deemed to be an unfair method of competition or an unfair or deceptive act or practice in the conduct of the business of insurance in this State for the purposes of chapter 129 of Title 8 V.S.A.
If any provision of this regulation or its applicability to any person or circumstance is held invalid by a court, the remainder of the regulation or the applicability of the provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected.
This revised regulation is effective as of June 20, 2023. Appendix A. Sample Clauses.
Licensees, including a group of financial holding company affiliates that use a common privacy notice, may use the following sample clauses, if the clause is accurate for each institution that uses the notice. Note that disclosure of certain information, such as assets, income, and information from a consumer reporting agency, may give rise to obligations under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act and Vermont Fair Credit Reporting Act, such as a requirement to permit a consumer to opt in to disclosures to affiliates or designation as a consumer reporting agency if disclosures are made to nonaffiliated third parties.
A-1-Categories of information a financial institution collects (all institutions)
A licensee may use this clause, as applicable, to meet the requirement of subdivision 7A(1) to describe the categories of nonpublic personal information the licensee collects.
Sample Clause A-1:
We collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources:
-- Information we receive from you on applications or other forms;
-- Information about your transactions with us, our affiliates or others; and
-- Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency.
A-2-Categories of information a financial institution discloses (institutions that disclose outside of the exceptions)
A licensee may use one of these clauses, as applicable, to meet the requirement of subdivision 7A(2) to describe the categories of nonpublic personal financial information the licensee discloses. The licensee may use these clauses if it discloses nonpublic personal financial information other than as permitted by the exceptions in sections 14, 15, and 16.
Sample Clause A-2, Alternative 1:
We may disclose the following kinds of nonpublic personal financial information about you:
-- Information we receive from you on applications or other forms, such as [provide illustrative examples, such as "your name, address, social security number, assets and income"];
-- Information about your transactions with us, our affiliates or others, such as [provide illustrative examples, such as "your account balance, payment history, parties to transactions and credit card usage"]; and
-- Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency, such as [provide illustrative examples, such as "your creditworthiness and credit history"].
Sample Clause A-2, Alternative 2:
We may disclose all of the information that we collect, as described [describe location in the notice, such as "above" or "below"].
A-3-Categories of information a financial institution discloses and parties to whom the financial institution discloses (institutions that do not disclose outside of the exceptions)
A licensee may use this clause, as applicable, to meet the requirements of subdivisions 7A(2), (3), and (4) to describe the categories of nonpublic personal information about customers and former customers that the licensee discloses and the categories of affiliates and nonaffiliated third parties to whom the licensee discloses. A licensee may use this clause if the licensee does not disclose nonpublic personal financial information to any party, other than as permitted by the exceptions in sections 15 and 16.
Sample Clause A-3:
We do not disclose any nonpublic personal financial information about our customers or former customers to anyone, except as permitted by law.
A-4-Categories of parties to whom a licensee discloses (institutions that disclose outside of the exceptions)
A licensee may use this clause, as applicable, to meet the requirement of subdivision 7A(3) to describe the categories of affiliates and nonaffiliated third parties to whom the licensee discloses nonpublic personal information. This clause may be used if the licensee discloses nonpublic personal financial information other than as permitted by the exceptions in sections 14, 15, and 16, as well as when permitted by the exceptions in sections 15 and 16.
Sample Clause A-4:
We may disclose nonpublic personal information about you to the following types of third parties:
-- Financial service providers, such as [provide illustrative examples, such as "mortgage bankers, securities broker-dealers, and insurance agents"];
-- Non-financial companies, such as [provide illustrative examples, such as "retailers, direct marketers, airlines, and publishers"]; and
-- Others, such as [provide illustrative examples, such as "non-profit organizations"].
We may also disclose nonpublic personal information about you to third parties as permitted by law.
A-5-Service provider/joint marketing exception
A licensee may use one of these clauses, as applicable, to meet the requirements of subdivision 7A(5) related to the exception for service providers and joint marketing in section 14. If a licensee discloses nonpublic personal financial information under this exception, the licensee shall describe the categories of nonpublic personal financial information the licensee discloses and the categories of third parties with which the licensee has contracted.
Sample Clause A-5, Alternative 1:
We may disclose the following information to companies that perform marketing services on our behalf:
-- Information we receive from you on applications or other forms, such as [provide illustrative examples, such as "your name, address, social security number, assets, and income"];
-- Information about your transactions with us, our affiliates or others, such as [provide illustrative examples, such as "your account balance, payment history, parties to transactions, and credit card usage"]; and
-- Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency, such as [provide illustrative examples, such as "your creditworthiness and credit history"].
Sample Clause A-5, Alternative 2:
We may disclose all of the information we collect, as described [describe location in the notice, such as "above" or "below"] to companies that perform marketing services on our behalf.
Sample Clause A-5, Alternative 3:
We may disclose the following information to other financial institutions with which we have joint marketing agreements:
-- The following information we receive from you: "your name and contact information";
-- Information about your transactions with us or our affiliates, such as [provide illustrative examples of own transaction and experience information, such as "your account balance, payment history, parties to transactions, and credit card usage"].
A-6-Explanation of opt in (institutions that disclose to nonaffiliates outside of the exceptions)
A licensee may use this clause, as applicable, to meet the requirement of subdivision 7A(6) to provide an explanation of the consumer's right to authorize the disclosure of nonpublic personal financial information to nonaffiliated third parties, including the method(s) by which the consumer may exercise those rights. The licensee may use this clause if the licensee discloses nonpublic personal financial information to nonaffiliated third parties other than as permitted by the exceptions in sections 14, 15, and 16.
Sample Clause A-6:
We will not disclose nonpublic personal financial information about you to nonaffiliated third parties (other than as permitted by law) unless you authorize us to make that disclosure. Your authorization must be in writing or, if you agree, in electronic form. If you wish to authorize us to disclose your nonpublic personal financial information to nonaffiliated third parties, you may [describe the means to opt in, such as "complete and sign the enclosed, postage prepaid card and mail it to us."]
A-7-Confidentiality and security (all institutions)
A licensee may use this clause, as applicable, to meet the requirement of subdivision 7A(8) to describe its policies and practices with respect to protecting the confidentiality and security of nonpublic personal information.
Sample Clause A-7:
We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to [provide an appropriate description, such as "those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you"]. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with state and federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information.
21-019 Code Vt. R. 21-040-019-X
November 17, 2001 Secretary of State Rule Log #01-60
December 28, 2015 Secretary of State Rule Log #15-054; March 15, 2018 Secretary of State Rule Log #18-010; 6/20/2023 Secretary of State Rule Log #23-015
10, 15, 2214, 2766, 2914, 10201 et seq., 30203