The policy of this State for administration of personal expenses must take into consideration that department heads have considerable discretion with respect to assignment of employee activities that result in personal expense claims. Thus, the responsibility for authorizing employees to incur claims that are entirely consistent with these regulations remains with supervisors and managers within the reimbursing department.
The Commissioner of Finance and Management is required under the law to enforce all regulations pertaining to claims for reimbursement of expenses. Upon written request of a department head, the Commissioner nay approve exceptions to these regulations provided that the exceptions are both in the best interest of the State and entirely consistent with negotiated agreements and statutes.
The Secretary of Administration has the final decision in any dispute or question concerning travel at State expense, and he/she may authorize in advance deviations (still necessarily consistent with negotiated agreements and statutes) from these regulations when, in his/her judgment, such action is in the best interest of the State.
Claimants must state the purpose of activities which give rise to claims and the times and the locations at which these activities occurred. Persons whose regular duties require them to undertake extensive and continuous travel need not give detailed explanations an claims for repetitious work activities, e.g. time, purpose, etc. of client visits by a Social Worker.
To the limits set forth by law and contractual agreements, only actual and necessary expenses which are incurred in the conduct of the State's business by persons acting for the State shall be reimbursed. Costs, however necessary, incurred for the sole benefit of the claimant, (such as but not necessarily limited to travel loan finance charges, entertainment charges, personal grooming cost other than care of clothing on extended trips -- see 2.h., extra meals, coffee breaks, refreshments and other purely personal expenses) are not reimbursable.
All activities which nay lead to the submission of claims should be conducted in the most economical and prudent manner possible, considering direct and indirect costs to the State and the health and safety of all claimants. Supervisors should remain constantly aware of this section now that "constructive travel" limitations have been removed from travel computations.
State employees shall not request reimbursement for claims which include expenses incurred on behalf of other state employees or family members. However, in those instances where an employee, acting as an agent of the State incurs expenses on behalf of a person(s) in his/her official care or custody or on behalf of a guest of this state, the agent may claim the actual and necessary expenses as separate entries on his/her claim form within the limits set forth for employees. Exceptions to the above must be approved by the department head.
All claim forms for expenses must be either typewritten or handwritten in ink. In either case the form must be completed in full and legible.
All claimants who incur expenses for travel should file a request for reimbursement of expenses to his/her supervisor every two weeks. Each department must remain cognizant of the policy that employee expense claims are to be processed expeditiously and submitted to the Department of Finance and Management so as to meet the earliest possible payment.
When part or all of the reimbursable items on an expense claim are payable by a third party, e.g. the Federal government, a private organization, etc., identify the party and attach an explanation of the reimbursement procedure. (Refer to joint memorandum dated January 11, 1982 from the State Treasurer and Commissioner of Finance and Information Support re: Personal Expense Claims.)
All personal expense claims submitted must have the full, legible signature in ink of both the claimant and the immediate supervisor. Immediate supervisor means the person who normally assigns, supervises and has knowledge of the claimant's work activities. In any case, the person approving a particular claim should be the supervisory person who has the best knowledge as to the validity of the claim(s) being made. The Commissioner of Finance and Management may determine who should be the approving authority for unusual claims and may require more than one approving signature on any claim. Signature by rubber stamp is not acceptable.
Reimbursement of employee claims must be charged against an appropriation of the department to which the employee is regularly employed. Subsequent expenditure transfers to other appropriations or departments may be made to allocate expenses.
Official duty stations shall be set by the appointing authority for all state employees. That station should be where the employee performs most of his/her official duties. Official duty stations should not be changed unless the change is for a period of 30 days or more (refer to State Employees Bargaining Agreement). Change of station should be made only to facilitate better performance of official duties by employees and not for their personal convenience or solely to avoid reimbursement of expenses.
All state employees are entitled to be reimbursed for the use of a privately owned vehicle at a rate per mile as set by the State Employees Bargaining Agreement. Such rate shall be the same regardless of type of vehicle. Reimbursement shall be based on all miles actually and necessarily travelled in the performance of official duties, except that miles travelled between an employees' home and office (duty station) shall not be reimbursed unless an employee is called-in under the "Call-In" provision of the State Employees Bargaining Agreement or is required to make multiple trips from home to office on the same day for work beyond the normal work schedule.
The use of a privately owned vehicle should only be allowed when a State vehicle is not available for use by the employee. Fares paid by a state employee to another state employee who is receiving reimbursement for mileage for the use of his/her vehicle are not reimbursable.
Travel should be by the most direct or economical route except in instances where the use of a particular route may be impossible or unduly hazardous. Exceptions must be explained on the expense form.
On extended trips, certain additional expenses may be necessarily incurred. On trips over one week's duration or in the case of severe and unexpected weather conditions, reasonable and receipted claims for care of clothing may be allowed.
A privately owned conveyance should have adequate insurance coverage prior to the use of such conveyance for state business. Note - the State Claims Commission does not consider insurance deductibles as a claim against the state under 32 VSA 931.
Reimbursement of charges for gasoline, accessories, damages, repairs, depreciation, anti-freeze, towage, insurance and other similar expenditures is not allowed on personal vehicles. The standard reimbursement rate per mile includes all expenses for the use of the privately owned automobile.
Actual and necessary expenditures for tolls and parking may be claimed. When possible, receipts should be submitted.
Fines for traffic or parking violations will not be reimbursed.
The expense for the use of a privately owned airplane may be allowed provided the rate per hour is approved in advance by the Commissioner of Finance and Management.
Fares for Taxi and Limousine service are authorized for travel between common carrier terminals and hotels or business sites.
When private or public transportation is not available, the department head may authorize the use of rented conveyances. The actual receipted costs of rentals will be reimbursed, but a full explanation and the approval of the department head will be required for all such rentals. Rentals made for the convenience of the employee will be reimbursed at the contractually authorized mileage rate.
Expense claims must show the starting and ending point (city/town) for each trip on a claim for reimbursement of mileage.
The starting and ending times of all trips must be included when justifying claim(s) for meals or lodging.
All out-of-state travel requiring overnight stays regardless of whether any cost is incurred must be approved by the Secretary of Administration or designee or by a constitutional officer or designee in advance of each trip on Form AAF-10 (Authorization for Travel and Advance of Funds). An approved copy of this form must be attached to all claims requesting expense reimbursement for out-of-state expenses, regardless of whether or not the Advance of Funds option was taken by the employee.
To ensure the most economical means of air and rail transport as well as lodging facilities, the State has entered into contracts with certain travel agents. Use of these travel agents applies for all out-of-state travel whenever non-private transportation or lodging is involved. A 24-hour toll free phone number is available for emergency arrangements and itinerary revisions. At certain locations throughout the State, these agents will also deliver tickets, etc. to State offices. Utilization of other than State-contracted travel agent(s) services must be justified by proof that the chosen service resulted in less cost to the State than the contracted service.
Reimbursement for transportation will be limited to the most economical method available, taking into account alternative transportation codes and the value of the employee's time.
Any normal means used for approved travel is eligible for expense reimbursement.
Receipts, cancelled ticket stubs, or any other type of documentation which proves actual expenditures must be provided for costs of public conveyance other than local taxi, limousine or bus service.
If the mode of transportation does not conflict with the needs of the department, the employee may use any form of transportation, but can only be reimbursed for the amount which would have been paid had the least expensive mode been selected. In any such case, the cost of both modes of transportation must be shown on the expense account claim form.
Any extra expense which is a result of an individual travelling by an indirect route or caused by interrupting travel for the individuals own convenience shall not be submitted for reimbursement. Additional expense incurred by taking advantage of "Super Saver" air fares (e.g. an additional days' lodging and meals, other transportation cost enroute to the destination and overtime, if applicable) may be incurred where it can be justified that the net effect, when compared with the standard air fare to the destination, is a savings to the state.
Flight tickets must be attached to claims for trips involving air travel whether or not the cost of the ticket is part of the claim, in order to justify the claimant's itinerary and related expenses.
Claims for lodging must be limited to charges which are both reasonable and necessary.
All State employees and agents should request special government rates. Many hotels/motels offer government or military plan (G.M.P.) special rates. To obtain these rates, you are required to notify the lodging establishments at the time you check in. Since most establishments will request identification, all travelers should be prepared to properly identify themselves with state employee identification.
Receipts for lodging must be on a receipt of the lodging establishment and must show either proof of payment or incurrence of a debt by credit card. Hand written receipts from small lodging establishments are acceptable. If a State or personal credit card is used, the credit card slip must be submitted (employee may cross-out his or her I.D. Number on a personal credit card slip). Hotel vouchers must show date, cost of room, name of claimant and number of occupants in the room.
Reimbursement is limited to the rate charge of a single room. Double rooms offered at a single room rate shall be considered single rooms. Use of lodging facilities other than those selected by the State-contracted travel agent(s) must be justified at the time the claim is submitted for reimbursement.
Charges for a claimant's failure to observe check out time or to cancel a guaranteed hotel reservation shall be considered an unnecessary expense and ineligible for reimbursement.
Claims for reimbursement for long distance telephone calls and phone charges on hotel bills must be fully documented. Information must include name of party called, place called, date and statement of official business.
Assistance charges actually and necessarily incurred, such as wheelchairs, baggage-transportation, etc., if properly explained, will be allowed.
In the event small emergency purchases are incurred for official business, reimbursement may be made if explained and accompanied by a receipted voucher.
The cost of traveler's checks or certified checks purchased for the safekeeping of personal funds or travel advances in connection with official travel outside of Vermont will be allowed upon presentation of a payment receipt, provided the total value of the purchased instruments is reasonable when compared to the actual reimbursement for the authorized travel.
Expenses incurred in a foreign country will be reimbursed at the foreign exchange rate for that country on the date the expense was incurred. Claims not reflecting the adjustment will be returned.
Instate moving expenses of permanent full-time employees may be reimbursed when the employee is being transferred for the convenience of the State. Three bids are necessary to ensure reasonableness of the rates and all three bids must be submitted with the bill. The lowest bid need not be the one selected if it can be shown that the rates were reasonable and justification is provided for the bid chosen. The employee may move his/her own goods by use of rented equipment if such action is more economical for the State.
The department head may authorize reimbursement of interview expenses, not to exceed $ 400 per individual, in instances where extreme recruiting difficulty is encountered due to lack of qualified applicants. The department may also authorize reimbursement of expenses for a second interview not to exceed $ 400. Expense in excess of $ 400 per interview must have the prior approval of the Commissioner of Personnel.
Based upon extreme difficulty of recruitment for professional, technical or otherwise scarce skills, and the availability of a minimum number of applicants, the Commissioner of Personnel may authorize payment for expenses incurred in the moving of household furniture and personal effects by new employees not within reasonable commuting distance of their assignment within the State.
An agency head wishing to offer this benefit to a qualified candidate must request written approval by the Commissioner of Personnel prior to making an offer to the applicant and subsequent to completion of the recruitment and examination process. If approved, the agency head must request three bids as required in Item 7 and include those bids and the Commissioner of Personnel's approval when requesting payment.
The State does not pay claims for connection, stopover, second pickup or delivery, storage or special packing or handling charges. The State does not pay travel expenses for an individual and/or family to come to Vermont to locate housing or for temporary living quarters.
This Bulletin supersedes and rescinds all previous editions of Bulletin 3.4 and any amendments thereto.
10-001 Code Vt. R. 10-020-001-X