Current through August, 2024
Section 03 030 003 - REGULATION 2000-2, ELECTION OF ACTIVE TEACHERS TO THE VERMONT STATE TEACHERS' RETIREMENT BOARDSection 1 PurposeThis Regulation is intended to provide rules for the election of active teachers to the Vermont State Teachers' Retirement Board in compliance with Title 16, Chapter 55, Section 1942.
Section 2 AuthorityThis Regulation is promulgated pursuant to Title 16, Chapter 55, Section 1942(b)(4).
Section 3 NoticeA. At least four months prior to the expiration of the term of a trustee elected by members of the system a notice shall be prepared and distributed by the Executive Secretary of the Board. The notice shall be mailed to each member who is eligible to vote.B. The notice shall: 1. Advise the member of the election;2. State the position and term to be filled;3. Notify the member that the nominating petition of a member for the position of trustee must include a statement presenting the qualifications of the member for the position of Trustee, and that this statement must be signed by at least twenty-five (25) members of the system. The Retirement Office shall make forms for this purpose available to members. These forms will be available from the Retirement Office upon request.4. Include any other information regarding a particular election as specified by the Board of Trustees.Section 4 Nominating PetitionsA. Any nominating petition of a member to the position of Trustee must be received in the State Treasurer's Retirement Office at or before four o'clock P.M. on April 15 or the first business day thereafter. No nominating petition will be received by the Executive Secretary after that date.B. The Executive Secretary shall send a notice confirming the receipt of a petition within five business days of the receipt of the petition. The confirmation notice shall: 1. Certify that the petition has been accepted, or2. Explain why the petition is incomplete. A complete amended petition must be received in the Retirement Office at or before four o'clock P.M. on the business day prior to May 1.Section 5 BallotsA. As soon as possible after May 1 but not later than May 7 the Executive Secretary shall circulate to the members of the system a ballot on which shall be listed the names of all members duly nominated, as prescribed above, as candidates for the position of Trustee. The ballot shall be accompanied by a brief biographical sketch and statement of qualification provided by each nominee to a maximum length established by the Executive Secretary. Instructions for completion and filing of the ballot will be included with the ballot. In the event that no more than one (1) member is duly nominated to the position of Trustee in accordance with Section 4, the Board of Trustees shall declare the member so nominated to be elected to the position of Trustee and the Executive Secretary shall not circulate ballots as herein prescribed. Candidates' ballot positions shall be determined by a drawing conducted at a time and place determined by the Executive Secretary. The Retirement Office shall mail notice of the time and place of the drawing to all candidates at least ten business days before the drawing. Candidates may attend the drawing.Section 6 Members Eligible to VoteA. A master list of members shall be recorded and stored at the Retirement Office. The list shall be available for review at the Retirement Office by any member. Any member may raise challenges or questions concerning the eligibility of voters. Any challenges or questions concerning eligible voters shall be made prior to the close of the voting deadline. Failure to challenge the list or any part of it in writing prior to the voting deadline shall disallow any challenges or questions raised after the close of voting.B. The ballot of each voter must be received in the Retirement Office or before four o'clock P.M on June 7 or the first business day thereafter and no ballot shall be received by the Executive Secretary after that date.C. The Executive Secretary shall verify that each ballot has been submitted by a voter included in the master list of members. In cases where such a determination cannot be made the ballot shall be declared invalid. The verification of ballots shall not compromise the secrecy of votes cast.Section 7 Counting BallotsA. All ballots received in accordance with the preceding Sections 5 and 6 shall be counted in the Retirement Office within five business days following the close of balloting. Ballots shall be counted by a committee of three members of the System appointed by the Executive Secretary subsequent to the close of nominations received in accordance with Section 4 above. The candidate receiving the greatest number of votes will be considered to be elected to the position of Trustee for a four-year term beginning on July 1.B. In the event of a tie vote for the position of Trustee, a subsequent election would be held between the candidates involved in the tie.Statutory Authority: 16 V.S.A. C. 55, § 1942(b)(4)03-003 Code Vt. R. 03-030-003-X
Effective Date: October 9, 2000 (Secretary of State Rule Log #00-55)