Rule R986-200 - Family Employment Program
- Section R986-200-201 - Authority for Family Employment Program (FEP) and Family Employment Program Two Parent (FEPTP) and Other Applicable Rules
- Section R986-200-202 - Family Employment Program (FEP)
- Section R986-200-203 - Citizenship and Alienage Requirements
- Section R986-200-204 - Eligibility Requirements
- Section R986-200-205 - How to Determine Who Is Included in the Household Assistance Unit
- Section R986-200-206 - Participation Requirements
- Section R986-200-207 - Participation in Child Support Enforcement
- Section R986-200-208 - Good Cause for Not Cooperating With ORS
- Section R986-200-209 - Participation in Obtaining an Assessment
- Section R986-200-210 - Requirements of an Employment Plan
- Section R986-200-211 - Education and Training As Part of an Employment Plan
- Section R986-200-212 - Reconciling Disputes and Termination of Financial Assistance for Failure to Comply
- Section R986-200-213 - Financial Assistance for a Minor Parent
- Section R986-200-214 - Assistance for Specified Relatives
- Section R986-200-215 - Family Employment Program Two Parent Household (FEPTP)
- Section R986-200-216 - Diversion
- Section R986-200-217 - Time Limits
- Section R986-200-218 - Exceptions to the Time Limit
- Section R986-200-219 - Emergency Assistance (EA) for Needy Families With Dependent Children
- Section R986-200-220 - Mentors
- Section R986-200-221 - Drug Testing Requirements
- Section R986-200-230 - Assets Counted in Determining Eligibility
- Section R986-200-231 - Assets That Are Not Counted (Exempt) for Eligibility Purposes
- Section R986-200-232 - Considerations in Evaluating Real Property
- Section R986-200-233 - Considerations in Evaluating Household Assets
- Section R986-200-234 - Income Counted in Determining Eligibility
- Section R986-200-235 - Unearned Income
- Section R986-200-236 - Earned Income
- Section R986-200-237 - Lump Sum Payments
- Section R986-200-238 - How to Calculate Income
- Section R986-200-239 - Determining the Amount of the Financial Assistance Payment
- Section R986-200-240 - Additional Payments Available Under Certain Circumstances
- Section R986-200-241 - Income Eligibility Calculation for a Specified Relative Who Wants to be Included in the Assistance Payment
- Section R986-200-242 - Income Calculation for a Minor Parent Living with His or Her Parent or Stepparent
- Section R986-200-243 - Counting the Income of Sponsors of Eligible Aliens
- Section R986-200-244 - TANF Needy Family (TNF)
- Section R986-200-245 - TANF Non-FEP Training (TNT)
- Section R986-200-246 - Transitional Cash Assistance
- Section R986-200-248 - Wasatch Front North Service Area Pilot: FEP Subsidized Employment (FEP SE)
- Section R986-200-249 - Access to Assistance
- Section R986-200-250 - Unauthorized Spending of TANF Financial Assistance Benefits