Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R982-403-5 - Income ExclusionsThe income listed below is not counted when determining eligibility:
(1) Earned income of an unemancipated household member;(2) Cash over which the household has no control;(3) Reimbursements for expenses directly related to employment, training, schooling, and volunteer activities;(4) Reimbursements for incurred medical expenses;(5) Bona fide loans. A bone fide loan is a loan which has been contracted in good faith without fraud or deceit and genuinely endorsed in writing for repayment;(6) Compensation paid to individual volunteers under the Retired Senior Volunteers Program, Green Thumb and the Foster Grandparent Program;(7) Incentive and training expenses paid by the HEAT Self Sufficiency program;(8) Earned Income Tax Credit;(9) Financial payments from Workforce Investment Act;(10) Value of Food Stamps;(11) Educational loans, grants, scholarships or college work study with the exception of Veterans Educational Assistance intended for the family members of the student. The student's portion is exempt;(12) Interest or dividend income;(13) Compensation or reimbursement paid to Volunteers In Service To America, Senior Health Aides, Senior Core of Retired Executives, Senior Companions and ACE;(14) Church cash assistance and voluntary cash contributions by others unless received on a regular basis;(15) Rental subsidies and relocation assistance;(16) The full military pay for an active duty soildier not in the home. However, any amount taken out of his or her military pay and sent home for the family's support is counted; and(17) Any funds, payments, or tribal benefits required by Public Law 98-64, Public Law 93-134 (7), Public Law 92-254, Public Law 94-540, Public Law 94-114 and Public Law 96-240 (9); Public Law 92-203,
Public Law 101-201 or Public Law 101-239 (10405),
Public Law 100-383,
Public Law 101-426,
or by Public Law 100-707.
Utah Admin. Code R982-403-5
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2014-20, effective 10/1/2014