Utah Admin. Code 982-403-3

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R982-403-3 - Unearned Income
(1) Countable unearned income is cash received by an individual for which no service is performed.
(2) Sources of unearned income include the following:
(a) Pensions and annuities including Railroad Retirement, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, Veteran's benefits and Civil Service retirement benefits;
(b) Disability benefits including Industrial Compensation, sick pay, mortgage insurance and paycheck insurance;
(c) Unemployment Compensation;
(d) Strike or union benefits;
(e) Veteran's benefits;
(f) Child support and alimony;
(g) Veteran's Educational Assistance intended for family members;
(h) Trust payments, withdrawals, and/or dividends received on a regular basis;
(i) Tribal fund gratuities unless excluded by law.
(j) Money from sales contracts and mortgages;
(k) Personal injury settlements;
(l) Financial payments made by the Department of Workforce Services;
(m) Income from Rental Property. If the client also manages the property, the income is earned.
(n) Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
(o) Emergency Work Program (EWP)
(p) Work allowances, included WHAT
(q) Foster Care Payments
(r) Severance pay paid out weekly.
(s) 401K payments;
(t) Retirement income;
(u) Payments received or drawn down from assets like a reverse mortgage or withdrawals from accounts;
(v) Gifts received, or payments made on a client's behalf on a regular basis.

Utah Admin. Code R982-403-3

Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2014-20, effective 10/1/2014