Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R933-2-4 - General Requirements(1) Permits shall be issued in accordance with the Act and as described by this rule. (2) Permits may be issued only for signs that are to be erected in areas allowed by local, state and federal law. (3) All permits shall be maintained in good standing with the department for the duration of the sign's existence. (4) Until the application is considered complete by the department, the department shall not process the application. (a) If the application is deemed incomplete by the department, the department will send a notice notifying the applicant of the deficiencies of the application. (b) The applicant will have 30 days from the notification date to make the application complete per the instructions on the application. (c) If the applicant does not submit the required information to make the application complete within 30 days from the notification date the application will be returned to the applicant as incomplete without being processed. (d) During the time the applicant is completing the application, the department will not consider or review any subsequently-received New Outdoor Advertising Permit Application for the same general location, where granting one permit would preclude the other. (e) If two or more applicants file a New Outdoor Advertising Permit Application at exactly the same time for the same general location, where granting one permit would preclude the other, the first complete application received by the department will have priority over the other. Any notices of deficiencies shall be sent to the applicants simultaneously. (5) Where the local authority has issued a building permit for construction of a sign, but construction is contrary to the Act, the action of the local authority does not require the state to issue a permit. (6) The crossing of a right-of-way line of any controlled route for access at other than an established access approach to erect, alter or maintain a sign without the written permission of the department, is unlawful. (a) The first documented offense the permit holder will receive a warning notice. (b) The second documented offense will result in a Notice of Agency Action. (c) The third documented offense will result in permit revocation. (7) Any sign located within the controlled area of two controlled routes shall meet the spacing requirements of both highway systems. (8) If a sign message may be read from two or more routes, one or more of which is a controlled route, the more stringent of applicable control requirements applies. (9) New sign structure or adjusted sign structure location requires the proposed location to be staked by the applicant prior to submitting any application. The applicant shall mark the center-point(s) of the support pole(s) of the proposed location with a clearly visible stake and a ribbon. The stake shall have the sign owners name clearly identified on it. (10) If two or more applicants file a complete New Outdoor Advertising Permit Application at the same time for the same general location the first fully completed application received by the department will have priority over the other(s). Utah Admin. Code R933-2-4
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2015-20, effective 9/23/2015